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Wednesday July 11, 2007 12:35 am

E3 2007: Blue Dragon Demo Available for Download NOW

DescriptionFor all of you out there that HAVEN’T been furiously searching through the Xbox Live Marketplace for new content, the fact that the Blue Dragon demo is now live may have passed you by. Well, that’s why we’re here. Don’t you love us?

Downloads seem to be a little slow right now (I’m at about 11%), and the fact that tons of new video content from Disney is also available now probably isn’t helping. Speaking of which, on an aside rant, how in the HELL did Microsoft convince Disney to allow HD Disney content on Xbox Live? I mean, Disney is staunchly pro-Blu-Ray, putting them in the camp of top Microsoft competitors Sony and Apple. And Steve Jobs is on the board of directors of Disney for chrissake! I guess all that D Conference “Steve Jobs and Bill Gates sittin’ in a tree” stuff wasn’t just for show.

Anyway, yeah… go downlad the Blue Dragon demo now!

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