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Too Human quick review

Too Human CoverEarlier this morning, our copy of Too Human finally arrived. You know, the one we’ve been waiting over a decade for? Well, Silicon Knights baby will finally be available for all to purchase tomorrow. We figured we would give you a glimpse into our initial impressions of the game. I’ve been playing Too Human for about three hours now, and feel like I am about halfway through the story. I’ve destroyed creatures, upgraded weaponry, and chosen my path. Hop on down to get our full thoughts on Too Human, the next big title for the .

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Dyack Still Firm on 2008 Release For Too Human

Posted by Paul Hamilton Categories: Microsoft, Release Dates, Xbox 360,

Too Human“It is always darkest before the dawn.”

Those were ‘s melodramatic words in a forum post as a reply to someone expressing frustration and disappointment over the outspoken founder’s latest project, . After a disappointing show at the 2006 E3, Too Human fell from view and was conspicuously absent from this year’s E3 aside from a logo displayed during Microsoft’s press conference.

Then, shortly after E3, Silicon Knights filed suit against Epic over their Unreal 3 Engine, licensed by SK, claiming among other things that Epic had withheld valuable resources in favor of working on their own projects like Unreal Tournament 3 and . Epic countersued claiming that Silicon Knights was misrepresenting the original contract and lots of public trash-talking and childishness ensued.

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Read More | Too Human.net via Joystiq

Gallery: Dyack Still Firm on 2008 Release For Too Human

Unreal Engine Under Fire Again

unreal engine banner

First, Silicon Knights sued Epic Games, alleging that Epic’s Unreal Engine 3 had done “serious damage” to SK’s long-delayed Too Human.  Later, Epic fired back with a countersuit, in which Epic claimed that wanted to use the engine without paying for it.

Now, longtime Epic partner Digital Extremes, in the middle of development of its similarly delayed Dark Sector project, has come forth with its own complaints.  Game director Steve Sinclair explained, “A lot of promises were made about the Unreal III engine, particularly on PS3. But as we see now, the time frames haven’t been met and now a lot of games using it are being held up.”

Now that two developers are on the record about problems with Unreal Engine 3, we wouldn’t be surprised to see loads of developers come out of the woodwork with similar grievances, both real and imagined.  The situation is likely to become ugly really soon.

Read More | http://computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=170446

Gallery: Unreal Engine Under Fire Again

E3 2007: This Week’s Xbox Live Marketplace Content Update

This post make your head explodeThere were plenty of releases on the Xbox Live Marketplace this week, and thanks to Major Nelson we can now easily compile it all for you en masse. Demos, trailers, Arcade games – you name it, you got it. Apologies if anything was missed, but there was an insane amount of content. Hit up the comments section if you like this story and would like to see a weekly round-up of downloadable content each week. And just as a warning: if lists irritate you, your head will likely explode if you check out the rest of the story after the break.


  • NCAA Football 08
  • Blue Dragon
  • Ace Combat 6 (campaign)
  • Stuntman: Ignition
  • The Bigs
  • Harry Potter OOTP

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Silicon Knights Talks Next Generation Consoles

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,

Too HumanAfter Silicon Knights showed off Too Human at E3, the game has seemingly gone underground. Much of the feedback from the show indicated that the game really was not ready to be demonstrated. Dean Takahashi at Mercury News was able to speak with Silicon Knights president Denis Dyack about the game, and his opinion on the next generation consoles. Dyack considers the PS3 and Xbox 360 relative equals, stating, “Maybe the PS 3 has more processing power. The 360 has more available memory…To developers, they look even.”  Nintendo’s Wii isn’t even on Silicon Knights’ radar at this point.

While the PS3’s power might be difficult for developers to unlock, Dyack claims that HDMI will make a difference in image quality. His belief is that having a purely digital path has benefits over the Xbox 360’s analog solution. On 720P versus 1080P, Dyack believes that there is less of a noticeable difference. Like make other developers, he discussed the trade-offs between the resolutions, including refresh rates, framerate, and texture RAM.

Read More | Mercury News

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