On Gear Live: Samsung S95C: The OLED TV You Can’t Afford (to Ignore!)

Viva Piñata Headed To The Nintendo DS

Viva Pinata boxart Xbox 360During Comic-Con last week, Microsoft announced that a Viva Piñata title was in development for the Nintendo DS. Apparently, this isn’t going to be a Party Animals port (the Mario Party-style Viva Piñata title announced during this year’s Microsoft E3 press conference) – instead, it’ll be a full on remake of the Xbox 360 game. It’ll contain all of the piñata found in the Xbox 360 version, as well as some new ones, as well.

“You’ll also be given free rein with an expanded selection of tools and tool actions, upgraded forms of the Journal and Encyclopaedia, and brand new game modes such as Sandbox (for full and easy access to your favourite Piñatas) and Episodes (tying in more closely to the TV series and allowing fans of the show to spend quality time with familiar faces).”

The game will be designed with the unique features of the DS in mind; most specifically, the DS’ touch panel.

“Design, nurture, instruct, protect and care for your garden and animals through direct touch. The DS WiFi service also lets you send prime Piñata specimens to your friends, making the act of parading your Doenut around in a humiliating pirate outfit easier than ever.”

It’ll be interesting to see exactly who gets the publishing rights to the game. Following Microsoft’s acquisition, Rare did still release several games on the Game Boy Advance, all of which were published by THQ. And the recently released Diddy Kong Racing DS, developed by Rare, was published by Nintendo.

Read More | CVG

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E3 2007: The Big Three: Who “Won” E3?

E3 2007 winnerIt always seems a bit silly to declare a “winner” of E3. It’s just so juvenile. This is a complex industry that can’t be distilled down to the simple question of “who beat whom.”

But we just can’t help it, can we?

Comparing the three keynotes this year, however, really is a grab-bag of possible outcomes. All three offered something interesting, and picking a single “winner” this year more than ever depends how you define “winning.”

My rundown is after the break.

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Gallery: E3 2007: The Big Three: Who “Won” E3?

Game Releases For The Week Of 6/25: The Darkness, Pokemon, And Transformers

Pokemon Battle Revolution

Some big name titles are hitting this week, including the much anticipated The Darkness for both Xbox 360 and PS3. Transformers is bound to be a big seller by virtue of its name and the number of platforms that it’s coming out on. And Pokemon Battle Revolution for Wii is going to sell a scientifically accurate 1,432,345^100, or in other words, a metric crapton.

Click to continue reading Game Releases For The Week Of 6/25: The Darkness, Pokemon, And Transformers

Read More | Gamasutra

Gallery: Game Releases For The Week Of 6/25: The Darkness, Pokemon, And Transformers

