On Gear Live: Samsung S95C: The OLED TV You Can’t Afford (to Ignore!)

Perez Hilton and Joy Behar Talk Miley Cyrus

Blogger Perez Hilton recently appeared on ’s show to talk at length about the controversial photograph of Miley Cyrus which was posted, then removed, from his famous website.

In the photo, Cyrus is wearing a short white dress and exiting a car. Perez raised eyebrows when he posted the photo on his blog, an item which seemed to show the pop star without undies on. Since she’s still 17, publicly posting a photo of Miley’s private parts is child pornography. Almost as soon as the pic appeared, a media &*^%storm began.

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No Funeral Service for Gary Coleman

Deceased child actor , best-known for his role as Arnold on Diff’rent Strokes, will not be remembered with a funeral service. An independent attorney appointed to Coleman’s convoluted case announced the decision on Wednesday.

The decree comes on the heels of several confusing media reports, multiple wills purportedly written by the late actor, and a dramatic courtroom battle featuring his ex-wife, his ex-girlfriend and his estranged parents. Independent litigator Robert Jeffs was appointed to the case on Monday. His decision honors the request regarding funeral services made in Coleman’s 2005 will.

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VIDEO: John Goodman Talks About His Dramatic Weight Loss

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Television, Videos,

will be celebrating his birthday this weekend with a lot less pounds under his belt.

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Late Show, the almost 58-year-old Treme star - who recently surprised photographers at AFI’s Tribute to Mike Nichols - discussed his dramatic weight loss with David Letterman.

Although Goodman didn’t exactly saw how he downsized, the actor did admit he was “pushing 400” pounds at one point. Whatever the method, he looks fantastic.

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Perez Hilton Addresses Miley Cyrus Controversy

After the media fallout which ensued when Perez Hilton posted a controversial photograph of pop Princess Miley Cyrus, the popular blogger has responded predictably: with heavy flippancy. In the video above, Perez addresses the firestorm that began when he posted a photo of Cyrus exiting a car.

The photo may or may not have shown Miley’s most private region - which means the Perez post may or may not be guilty the felony offense of distributing child pornography. We know, we know - she acts like she’s 27. But Miley’s still sweet 17, and any naked pictures of her are hugely, completely off-limits for bloggers and the like.

Click to continue reading Perez Hilton Addresses Miley Cyrus Controversy

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Megan Fox Gets New Tattoo in Honor of Mickey Rourke

Megan Fox has recently inked herself in honor of actor . And don’t worry—she didn’t get his face needled into her flesh.

“Mickey is such a beautiful, wonderful human being. He’s so genuine and so sweet and so talented. I just love him to death.. I actually got a tattoo that is sort of in honor of him. It’s on my ribs. I don’t know if it’s been photographed yet, but it’ll come out eventually, I’m sure. I just love him very much and think he’s very special,” Fox said of her Passion Play co-star.

Check out the picture of Fox’s new tattoo after the jump.

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Robert Pattinson Talks Glitter Products

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Videos,

When asked about crazy Twilight merchandise, can barely keep a straight face when revealing that there’s “glitter lube stuff” with his face on it!

“I like the glitter lube stuff. I thought that was really funny. I was just like, ‘I did not sign that! Where is the paper?’ I think, yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s glitter… I think it’s lube.”

I know what I’m using for my costume this Halloween. What’s the most outrageous vampiric product you’ve seen lately?

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VIDEO: Betty White on Being the Last Golden Girl

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Television, Videos, Obituaries,

UPDATE: You can watch the entire interview after the jump.

Actress will be making another late-night appearance this evening, but it won’t be about the laughs.

In an interview with ABC’s Vicki Mabrey, the Emmy-winning comedienne discusses what it feels like to be the last surviving member of The Golden Girls. White, who earned that unfortunate title after Rue McLanahan’s death earlier this month, admits she never expected to be in this position. “I’m the survivor and it’s so ironic because I was the oldest of all four. Isn’t that silly?” she says.

Betty, who talked to “Rosie” about three days before her passing, added: “Rue McLanahan was very special… She was our butterfly.”

You can see this entire Nightline interview tonight 11:35 p.m.

Click to continue reading VIDEO: Betty White on Being the Last Golden Girl

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VIDEO: Screaming Salma Hayek Terrified by Snake

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Television, Videos,

UPDATE: The scary offender turned out to be a four-foot long garter snake.

She’s appeared nude on film and played Adam Sandler’s wife in Grown Ups, but nothing scares more than reptiles that interrupt her interviews.

Watch what happens when the actress - sitting in between co-stars Mario Bello and Maya Rudolph - spots a snake during a their sit-down with Extra.

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Kendra Wilkinson Will Learn From Sex Tape

Kendra and Hank

Reality star mom and former Playboy model Kendra Wilkinson believes her sex tape will make her a better parent.

The blonde beauty - who made the video when she was 18 with ex-boyfriend Justin Frye - is “hurt” the footage is being released as a DVD, entitled Kendra Exposed, but thinks ultimately she and her American footballer husband Hank Baskett will be able to teach their son six-month-old Hank Baskett IV a moral lesson from it.

Click to continue reading Kendra Wilkinson Will Learn From Sex Tape

Contents of Gary Coleman’s Will Revealed

’s last will and testament was filed today in Utah and a few its instructions have been revealed.

The document, written in 1999, states that Coleman wished to be cremated. Dion Mial, once the actor’s manager, is the executor of the estate. Such instructions are pretty standard, but Coleman’s will also included an extremely odd request.

Click to continue reading Contents of Gary Coleman’s Will Revealed

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