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Friday March 21, 2008 2:25 pm

American Idol’s Amanda Overmyer: A Long and Winding Road

Amanda Overmyer - elimination

I immediately adored Amanda Overmyer. When she started to sing her first note during her audition, I hoped right away that she would get a golden ticket. Not only did Overmyer win this much-coveted prize, but she sailed through and managed to out-last thirteen of the Top 24 contestants. And listen, that ain’t bad.


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Amanda OvermyerShe certainly seemed safe enough Wednesday night when she was shuffled into the bottom 3. Though Irish diva Carly Smithson seemed safe from elimination from the start, countrified Krisy Lee Cook has been a bottom vote-getter for several weeks in a row. When compared to Overmyer, it seemed a safe certainty that Cook would be sent packing. After all, the girl did manage to mangle two Beatles songs in as many weeks - and even admitted she’d never heard one of them before in her life! For me, I feel like she needs to be booted on general principle alone. But…she wasn’t. Rock n roller , truly the most unique Idol of the current competitors, was sent home instead. What did she have to say about her own elimination?

When asked if she was upset about the outcome, Overmyer said “I just got voted off a TV show. I was just happy to be there and felt privileged to have millions of Americans vote for me just to keep me on.” Overmyer called herself “a square peg in a round hole” in the competition, though she said she “had no problem fitting in” with other contestants. On the Vote for the Worst campaign to keep her on the show, a rather dubious honor if ever there was one, Overmyer said “Votes are votes, you know?” Now, I’m even more sad that she was eliminated - not only does she have a great voice and fantastic style, but she’s totally easygoing and nice. This girl should be a star.

But, will she? On success, Amanda called herself “a very driven person,” but said that “success to me is a strong, healthy family and success in whatever job that you do…If this is just 15 minutes of fame, I wouldn’t spend my whole life chasing to get it back. I’d just move on.” What is Amanda’s agenda for the future? Saying she is still “green” in the music industry, Overmyer stated “I definitely want to get out, tour and do the big biker rallies, but how to get there is what I need to be educated on.”

Yet I have no doubt that Amanda Overmyer will, indeed, “get there.” In fact, I think she’ll go much further than any of us think she might.


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