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Thursday May 26, 2011 1:34 am

Maria Shriver Will Divorce Arnold

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Movies, Divorce, Legal Issues, Rumors,

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver

Maria Shriver has hired a lawyer, a private investigator, and now gossip says that she’ll file for divorce from her philandering husband, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Anybody who didn’t see this coming? According to RadarOnline, paperwork could be filed any day now. The couple has a net worth of about $500 million, give or take.

Mildred Baena, the woman with whom Arnold fathered a child, has also recently hired legal counsel. And Arnold himself? So far, no word on who his lawyer is, or if he’s hired one.

What he really needs is a good PR agent.

Read More | Huffington Post



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