On Gear Live: Samsung S95C: The OLED TV You Can’t Afford (to Ignore!)

Project Runway Season 4: Chris March Eliminated By A Hair, Literally

Posted by Jacci Lewis Categories: Prime Time, Reality, Bravo, Cable, Editorial, News,

Chris MarchAn innovative use of safety pins and hair, yes human hair,  just weren’t enough to land San Francisco costume designer the third and final spot in the final runway show.

The 44-year-old March was up against 31-year-old Los Angeles designer Rami Kashou in a sort of semi-final walk-off before the last official runway show, the big one at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York City’s Bryant Park. Freelance fashion wunderkind and Ralph Lauren illustrator Jillian Lewis already secured their spots during the “Art to Fashion” challenge in episode 11.

Tonight’s episode began with a rundown of the final challenge and a reminder of what’s at stake if they win. The final challenge had the designers creating a 12-piece collection. They got $8000 for materials and 5 months to complete their garments. The winner of Project Runway: Season 4 gets a coveted spread in Elle magazine, $100,000, a Saturn Astra and a chance to sell their line on Bluefly.com.

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American Idol: Top 10 Guys Perform


It’s all about the 70’s this week on , and upon hearing this wonderful news I was instantly interested. There are many, many fabulous songs from this decade. Last week it was 60’s, now it’s 70’s…okay, I’m sensing a theme. This can only mean the 80’s are to follow, and if this is the case I must make a general plea: please, please, someone do a punk rock song. The 80’s! You can’t deny punk rock. That being said, we’ll get back to the Tuesday night performances. (Though I will say, here and now, that I’m thoroughly disappointed no one picked Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer” Tuesday).

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American Idol Official Site

Jimmy Kimmel’s Response to the Sarah Silverman, Matt Damon Video

On a special post-Oscar show, late night host issued a response to the now classic Sarah Silverman/Matt Damon video.  (If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch it here.)

Although it wasn’t nearly as funny as the original creation, the video did have some choice cameos:

This Week on TV (2/25-3/2)

Men in Trees

(You can find our Post-Strike Television Schedule here.)


MONDAY (2/25)
  • A Raisin in the Sun (ABC, 8pm):  and the rest of his Broadway cast bring the play to the small screen.  I’m sorry - I believe his theater name is Sean Combs.
  • The Moment of Truth (FOX, 8pm):  Special night.  Apparently this episode is so controversial, the producers debated airing it.  Then they realized what network they were on and just went with it.
  • Welcome to the Captain (CBS, 8:30):  “Hope makes some new friends so she won’t be alone on Friday nights.” Their names?  Jack and Daniels.
  • Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious (CW, 9pm):  “The women receive a surprise visit from JC Chasez.”  They, too, are wondering why he doesn’t have anything better to do.

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First Four Idol Castoffs Fail to Inspire Tears

The First Four Castoffs

Call me cold-hearted, but I did experience an element of delighted, albeit mean-spirited, glee during Thursday night’s American Idol elimination show. With the exception of one contestant, I was singularly pleased with the results.  (America, so far you are choosing well.)  Again, with the exception of one. But Thursday nights on FOX are less about eliminations and more about shameless self-promotions, as the proved.

First, props to the producers for listening to me. After I pointed out the disgraceful lack of style and fashion sense among the males, some kind stylist got ahold of them all and put them in perfectly matched black suits. Even their white button-ups were identical. This is what I’ve been saying - if the contestants can’t dress themselves, please someone do it for them. Before they take the stage next time, mmkay?

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Entertainment Weekly

Survivor Micronesia: I Should Be Carried on the Chariot-Type Thing

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Prime Time, Reality, CBS, Survivor,

Survivor Micronesia

The first two weeks of have given us several head-shaking Tribal Councils in a row.  Let me assure you, Week 3 was no different.

Mikey B. – who was completely blindsided by Mary’s elimination last week – quickly figured out that Joel was behind the whole plan.  Unfortunately, he just couldn’t figure out why the firefighter did it.  “I don’t blame the move as long as the move wasn’t you trying to take that whole crew.”  (Uhh, what other reason would he have?)  Mikey felt Mary’s dismissal was a completely wasted move.  Instead of getting rid of the weak links on their team, he thought Joel was far too focused on the long game.

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Big Brother 9: More Headaches Emerge for CBS

Posted by Jacci Lewis Categories: Prime Time, Reality, CBS, Showtime, News,

BB9 Crazy James is getting a lot of publicity for this season but so far it has been for all the wrong reasons. One contestant’s past as a gay porn actor is making headlines while an offensive term used by another on the show has lead Lowe’s to yank its advertising during the broadcast.

First, it has been confirmed with only a lazy and totally NSFW search of the internet that house guest “Crazy” has appeared in several gay adult videos prior to the show. The 21-year old Sarasota, Florida man is also reportedly an ex-stripper. No big deal except his bio on the Big Brother 9 website claims he is a single, straight man who was recently engaged to an older woman. This season of Big Brother 9, subtitled ‘Til Death Do You Part has house guests paired up with another person who might be their “soul mate”. (So far it’s not looking like any of the house guests have made a love connection in fact some of them absolutely hate the person they are paired up with.) James’ partner on the show is Chelsia, a college student from Iowa. So far the two of them have gotten along quite well though not romantically.

James past emerged front and center earlier this week when Dirtyboyvideo.com began promoting videos Zinkand made for them on its home page.

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NY Daily News

American Idol 7: Twenty Four Will Sing, One Will Win

American Idol's Top 24

Like many fans, I’ve unblinkingly watched every single second of Season Seven’s broadcast. I’ve coached, I’ve judged, I’ve criticized, and now I’ve been completely blindsided by the show. Anyone else feel that way?

Why bother watching hours and hours - and hours - of audition footage if only a handful of the top 24 are featured? What’s with the confusion of , as I scramble to remember faces and names and scream “What ! How did he make it to the top 24? Why haven’t I ever seen him before at all?”

It’s no secret the judges and producers of Idol have their special favorites. On the flip side, they have contestants they can’t stand (remember ’s unabashed loathing of Sanjaya Malakar last year?). The massive amounts of air time devoted to some and the quick two-second glimpses of others aren’t an accident: it’s a not-so-subtle plot to influence votes, to get rid of the “extras” and keep only the ones producers want.

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Post-Strike Television Schedule

Now that we have come to the end of the , it’s time to once again update our television programming schedules.

Mid-season replacements have had seen their debuts shuffled (e.g. New Amsterdam), some programs are coming back with new episodes (e.g. Scrubs, 30 Rock) while other shows aren’t slated to return until next year (Pushing Daisies).

Here you can find a

compilation of the 2008 post-strike schedules

for the five major networks.  I would highly recommend printing this out since there are major changes across the board.

Two notes:

  1. This is the updated schedule as of May 6.  Be prepared to see more changes and settling in the weeks to come.
  2. The list consists of premieres and dates for new episodes.
  3. If a particular time slot/network is not mentioned, either nothing has changed or no specific announcement has been made yet.
How I Met Your Mother



  • Dancing With the Stars, ABC
  • My Dad is Better Than Your Dad, NBC
  • The Big Bang Theory, CBS
  • Bones, FOX (new as of 4/14)
  • Gossip Girl, CW (new as of 4/21)


  • How I Met Your Mother, CBS


  • Two and a Half Men, CBS
  • House, FOX (new as of 4/28)
  • One Tree Hill, CW (new as of 4/14)


  • Samantha Who?, ABC (new as of 4/7)
  • Rules of Engagement, CBS (returns 4/14)


  • The Bachelor, ABC
  • CSI: Miami, CBS

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Dancing with the Stars Contenders Announced

Dancing with the Stars

The official lineup for ABC’s was announced this evening during the finale of .

Here are the dancers scheduled to hit the floor come Monday, March 17th:


  • Adam Carolla (partner Julianne Hough): Radio personality (friend should have a ball with this one)
  • Cristian de la Fuente (partner Cheryl Burke): Chilean telenovela star
  • Penn Gillette (partner Kym Johnson): Magician (a.k.a. the talkative half of Penn & Teller)
  • Steve Guttenberg (partner Anna Trebunskaya): Actor (Three Men and a Baby)
  • Mario (partner Karina Smirnoff): R&B singer
  • Jason Taylor (partner Edyta Sliwinska): Miami Dolphins defensive end

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Dancing with the Stars
