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Donald TrumpOuch. As if a prison sentence and a cancelled show weren’t bad enough, Martha Stewart now has to deal with Donald Trump’s wrath. Apparently, the business tycoon didn’t like when Martha attributed the failure of her show, The Apprentice: Martha Stewart, to its airing too close to the Trump mega-hit The Apprentice.

Donald Trump erupted in fury at Martha Stewart Tuesday for her polite suggestion in a weekend interview with Newsweek that her version of Trump’s hit show The Apprentice failed because it aired too close to his.

Stewart also said that she was asked to help get rid of Trump by firing him on air.

That was too much for “The Donald,” whose specialty is doing just that—firing people on air.

In an open letter to Stewart, Trump declared, “It’s about time you started taking responsibility for your failed version of The Apprentice. Your performance was terrible…the show lacked mood, temperament, and just about everything else a show needs for success. I knew it would fail as soon as I first saw it.”

Ms. Stewart was not amused.

In a statement, she declared, “The letter is so mean-spirited and reckless that I almost can’t believe my longtime friend Donald Trump wrote it. I am very proud of the work we did.”

Why do you think Martha’s show failed? Was Donald was too harsh in his criticism?

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Gallery: No Love Lost Between Donald Trump And Martha Stewart


Apprentice Monday Donald Trump’s mega-hit reality series will move to Mondays this season, beginning February 27th. With 18 contestants ready to become grist for the TV mill, the season promises to be filled with the usual drama and blowouts. The move to a new night surprised many viewers, as this is usually an act of desperation. Perhaps it was; with The Apprentice suffering waning ratings the past season, maybe NBC didn’t want the show competing against Thursday’s extremely strong lineup.

Will you be tuning in?

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Gallery: The Apprentice Shakes It Up With Monday Move

Apprentice OlympicIn a new twist for the sixth season of the popular NBC reality series The Apprentice, viewers will choose one of the candidates, from a list of twelve Olympic athletes. Why an Olympic athlete? Perhaps because with the amount of physical and mental fortitude required to rise to the top of a sport, the contender would have no trouble competing against the other candidates, and would not buckle under the pressure of The Donald’s stare.

Maybe this will add a dash of spice to a show that has waned a bit the past few seasons.

NBC Olympics and Mark Burnett Productions have joined forces for this ambitious exercise in corporate synergy. Voters will choose from 2006 US Olympic athletes Allison Baver, Travis Cabral, Casey FitzRandolph, Todd Hays, Chad Hedrick, Danny Kass, Joe Pack, Speedy Peterson, Angela Ruggiero, Katie Uhlaender, Seth Wescott, and Chris Witty. The winner of the online vote will appear as a contestant on season six of the series. Voting begins Friday, February 10 and concludes Sunday, February 26, at NBCOlympics.com.

“One does not reach the Olympic Games without enormous drive, perseverance, ambition, and a willingness to take a risk; [these are] traits required of business leaders,” said Gary Zenkel, President of NBC Olympics, in a statement.

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Gallery: Donald Trump Seeks A Gold Medal Apprentice


After seeing the end of this week’s episode, one has to wonder:  did Mark Burnett and Donald Trump consciously make a decision to shake things up a bit?  Or were they getting just as tired of this show as many of us are now and wanted it to end quickly?  Ironically, if all the episodes were as exciting as this one—more people would probably start watching again.

Disappointed in Capital Edge’s continual losses, Trump asks for a reshuffling of the teams.  As project leader for the women, Alla gives up Rebecca, Jennifer and Marshawn to the other team.  What—Marshawn?? What the heck has she ever done wrong? Did she call you out on something stupid?  In exchange, Capital Edge gained Adam, Clay and Markus from the Excel.

The focus of this week’s challenge would revolve around sporting goods.  The teams are told they would be working with Dick’s Sporting Goods to create an interactive event focusing on one particular sport. The goal of the task would be to generate the most revenue.  NOTE TO PROJECT MANAGERS:  Someone will inevitably forget what the goal of the task is. Repeat after me—sales revenue.

Click to continue reading The Apprentice: Dick’s Sporting Goods

Gallery: The Apprentice: Dick’s Sporting Goods
