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Akamai iPhone Video Portal

One of the new features that happily touted when they introduced the new OS is HTTP Streaming Media. Now, the common man may not exactly know much about HTTP Streaming, so let’s break it down for a moment. HTTP Live Streaming allows a server to server multiple versions of the same media file, and serve the one that will perform best for you depending on the amount of bandwidth you have available. If you move to an area with a higher or lower amount of bandwidth while you are viewing a piece of content, the video will be dynamically improved or degraded so that you get the best experience. Very cool, right?

If you want to give it a try, you can do that right now at the iPhone 3.0 Video Showcase, which is hosted by Akamai. Visit the site on your iPhone for the full effect, of course.

Gallery: Try Out iPhone 3.0 HTTP Live Streaming Now


Snow Leopard 10A402

has released another updated developer build of . This time we are looking at Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard build 10A402. If you are running either of the two latest Snow Leopard builds, you can access this update through Software Update. Apple says this build includes “general operating system fixes for stability, compatibility, and security.” The update weighs in at 1.31GB, so go grab a snack. Good luck!

Gallery: Apple releases Snow Leopard dev build 10A402a

iPhone Zune Screen

It’s no secret, we are big fans of Microsoft’s - both the service, and the device. I’ve had a since the service launched, and use it daily (my Zune Pass profile.) If you aren’t sure what that is, it’s an unlimited music streaming and download service. You can listen to as much as you want for just $15 a month. In addition, you get to keep any 10 tracks of your choosing each month as well. Yours to keep, forever. Did you know, though, that you can stream any of your downloaded Zune tracks to your ? Yeah, that’s one of the best parts. When you start connecting the dots, you soon realize that you have the potential of having an entire catalogue of music available to you, on your iPhone, regardless of the amount of storage you’ve got.

But, wait…how do you stream Windows Media Audio files to the iPhone, which doesn’t support that format? Furthermore, Zune tracks that aren’t downloaded as part of your 10 free keepers per month are riddled with DRM. Yeah, we hear you. There is no Zune app available for the iPhone itself. What you need is to install a piece of software on your PC, along with downloading an app on your iPhone. Join us, as we open up the musical floodgates.

Click to continue reading How to Stream Your Zune Tracks to Your iPhone

Gallery: How to Stream Your Zune Tracks to Your iPhone

iPhone 3GS unlockWe mentioned the Purplera1n a few days ago, but many were waiting for the “official” tool, or at least one they were more familiar with for their jailbreaking activities. Well, RedSn0w has been updated, and now works to jailbreak your . You just need to download RedSn0w 0.8, which is said to be a bit more stable than Purplera1n, which will allow you to install Cydia, Icy, and UltraSn0w, if you need to jailbreak your device. It’s available on Windows, OS X, and Linux, and can be downloaded now.

Read More | RedSn0w

Gallery: RedSn0w now available to jailbreak iPhone 3GS

App Store Turns One

Wow, fans!


July 10th marks the one-year anniversary of the launch of the App Store. It’s because such a part of our digital lives, it’s hard to imagine what it was like without it. Kudos to all the iPhone and app developers out there, who aim to make the iPhone a little more fun, useful, and productive. You can check out our section that’s completely dedicated to the App Store and iPhone apps, over at App.Tapper.

The App Store is now home to over 56,000 apps. That’s in one year. Be impressed.

What are some of your favorite apps? Anyone remember the first app they downloaded?

[Thanks, Jason!]

Gallery: The Apple App Store Turns 1 (on the 10th)

iPod touch 3G camera

It looks like cameras may be coming to the and lines, if these case designs are any indication. Manufacturers over in Asia are starting to leak case designs for the next refresh of the iPod line-up, which will happen in September more than likely. As you can see, the iPod touch case design includes a hole for a camera that would be at the top-center of the device, right next to the Wi-Fi antenna. On the iPod nano case, which you can see after the break, you’ve got a space for a camera on the top corner.

According to TechCrunch:

One of our sources in Asia say that Apple has placed an order for a massive number of camera modules of the type that they include in the iPhone. These are inexpensive cameras, in the $10 range. And the size of the order, our source says, means they can only be used for one thing - the iPods.

Could be making a play to become to top mobile photo and video recording device manufacturer with the next refresh of the iPod? That just may be the case, and it would be a smart move. With the huge numbers that the iPhone and iPod lines sell, Apple would shoot to the top of services like YouTube and Flickr in terms of which device was used to shoot the media that is uploaded.

As an aside, last year, case designs were leaked that gave away the new form factor of the iPod nano, weeks before it was officially announced by Apple. We can still take this story with a grain of salt, but I think all signs point to “Yes” on this one.

Click to continue reading Apple putting cameras in iPod touch, iPod nano?

Read More | TechCrunch

Gallery: Apple putting cameras in iPod touch, iPod nano?

We’ve already told you about the iPhone 3GS unlock that is currently available, but the iPhone Dev Team also has their “official” iPhone 3GS jailbreak and unlock ready, but they aren’t releasing it until releases iPhone OS 3.1. However, they did put out a video showing how it works, which you can watch above. Looks painless.

How many of you are waiting for the Dev Team to release their unlock mechanism before unlocking your iPhone 3GS?

Gallery: Video: Dev Team shows off iPhone 3GS unlock demonstration

iPhone 3GS UnlockThe can finally be unlocked and jailbroken. This past Friday, George Hotz released his Purplera1n iPhone 3GS jailbreak tool. Of course, once the iPhone 3GS was jailbroken, it was only a matter of time before unlocking was possible.

According to George:

“Normally I don’t make tools for the general public, and rather wait for the dev team to do it. But guys, whats up with waiting until 3.1? That isn’t how the game is played. We release, Apple fixes, we find new holes. It isn’t worth waiting because you might have the “last” hole in the iPhone. What last hole…this isn’t golf. I’ll find a new one next week.”

Click to continue reading iPhone 3GS Unlocked and Jailbroken

Read More | On The iPhone

Gallery: iPhone 3GS Unlocked and Jailbroken

Cracked iPhone screen

Clumsy owners rejoice, because Stores across the country are now fixing cracked iPhone screens in-house. This is definitely a change from the past, as the Apple Store would just hand new iPhones to customers who were still under warranty if they had a cracked screen. Depending on which Apple Store locations you visited, you may have just been outright denied help with a cracked screen as well.

Apple stores now have a process by which they can repair cracked iPhone screen. They have a machine that separates broken glass from the rest of the phone, allowing the Apple store technician to install a new screen.

Of course, if you are out of warranty, the service won’t be free. However, for those of you under AppleCare, you can rest a bit easier knowing that Apple can now repair a cracked iPhone screen, so go ahead and throw away that ugly rubber case.

Read More | The Loop

Gallery: Apple Stores Now Fixing Cracked iPhone Screens

Snow Leopard 10A394

Apple has just released a new developer build of , the first since . This one is Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard build 10A394, and is the first Snow Leopard dev update that is available simple by firing up Software Update. Just a word to the wise, after running the update, you’ll need to download and install Xcod 3.2 for Snow Leopard 10A394, and if you do iPhone development on your Snow Leopard system, you’ll need to download and re-install the 3.0 for Snow Leopard. Have fun!

Update: For those asking, yes, Dock Expose is live in this new build!

Gallery: Mac OS X Snow Leopard build 10A394 available for devs
