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French Robber Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig is lined up for the English remake of AnneFrom being voted hottest torso to having plenty of roles lined up (and one written for him), Daniel Craig must be a man of few worries.

Scriptwriter Joe Penhall, who wrote The Road and The Proposition director John Hillcoat are currently working on an English-speaking remake of the French robbery movie La Bonne Annee and are sculpting the script for Daniel to take the lead.

If it goes ahead, the 41-year-old James Bond actor will play an ex-convict in the modern-day remake of the 1973 Claude Lelouch movie. The project will follow his alter-ego as he hatches a plan to rob a luxurious jewelers in the French town Cannes.

This will not be the first time Penhall and the Hollywood star have worked together—in 2000 they collaborated for Some Voices and again in 2004 for Enduring Love.

Hillcoat has also been in discussions with the Craig about working on a big-screen adaptation of The Death of Bunny Munro, based on a novel by Nick Cave about a sex-obsessed salesman.


Rob Zombie Set to Remake The Blob

The Blob's 1958 movie posterDespite hope that Rob Zombie gravitate towards original projects, the musician-turned-director has recently announced that his next venture is to re-make the 1958 horror film The Blob.

Already set to begin production this upcoming spring, the news came shortly before Zombie’s Halloween II was killed at the box office.

While Zombie is a fan of the original, which centers around an alien object that consumes humans on Earth, he’s not entirely keen on a carbon copy remake: “My intention is not to have a big red blobby thing—that’s the first thing I want to change. That gigantic Jello-looking thing might have been scary to audiences in the 1950s, but people would laugh now.”

With the $30 million budget model similar to District 9 and Cloverfield, the Dimension film is expected to obtain an R-rating.

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Remake News: Yellow Submarine, Poltergeist, Gunsmoke and More

Yellow Submarine: Robert Zemeckis’ experience using 3-D performance-capture technology (The Polar Express, Beowulf) will soon come in handy on his remake of Yellow Submarine. Disney is reportedly working to get clearance on a list of Beatles songs for the project. (The 1968 animated film followed “Old Fred” and the Beatles as they traveled in their yellow submersible to Pepperland.) The goal is to have the film produced in time for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.

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First Look: Benicio Del Toro in The Wolfman trailer

Hey Jacob Black - check out this wolf!

In The Wolfman, plays the unfortunate guy at the center of the monsterous drama. This remake of a 1941 film tells the story of Lawrence Talbot (Del Toro), a man who returns home after the mysterious death of his brother. Anthony Hopkins - who looks nothing like Benicio - plays his estranged father while Emily Blunt stars Gwen Conliffe, the love interest.

The Joe Johnston-directed film will leap into theaters on February 12, 2010.

Kate Winslet Takes on Joan Crawford Role

Big mistake. Rumor has it that Mildred Pierce, the 1945 joint that won Joan Crawford an Oscar, is going to be remade as a TV miniseries. Further rumor has it said series will air on HBO. And who’s starring in the title role? .

Don’t get me wrong. I mean, she’s a fine actress. But ? Even Faye Dunaway later regretted trying to take on this silver screen icon.

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Disney to Remake Diary of Anne Frank

Anne Frank book has hired playwright David Mamet to create a screenplay based on the Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, that incredibly sad tale of a Jewish girl who eventually died (at age 15) in a German concentration camp. Yeah, doesn’t sound like the usual Disney fare to me, either. I fully expect heavy changes to the story.

According to Disney, the film will be based on a combination of Anne Frank’s diary, published in the 1940s, the 1950s play about the material created by Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich and Mamet’s own interpretation of the material…which sounds like enough confused confliction for a Disney movie.

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Remake News: The Orphanage, Twilight Zone and More

The Orphanage: One of the most haunting movies I’ve seen in the past few years is being given an English-language redo. The Orphanage, the 2007 Spanish film from director Juan Antonio Bayona, will now be in the hands of Larry Fessenden. Guillermo del Toro, the producer on the original project, will serve the same role on this version. Guillermo also assisted Larry with the new script.

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Steven Spielberg to Take on 1950s Remake

Let me put it out there that I’m a fan. Sure, I can get with the idea of friendly, finger-touching aliens who like the telephone. I’m all for thrilling war movies with deep character development. But when you start remaking some of Hollywood’s greatest films, I’ve got to hop out off the boat.

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Remake News: Hong Kong Phooey, The Smurfs and More

Hong Kong Phooey: There’s nothing audiences love more than talking dogs, so why not have them fight crime as well? Alex Zamm (Inspector Gadget 2) has been tapped to direct a live-action/animated version of the classic Hanna-Barbera cartoon. In the original TV program, Scatman Crothers voiced the kung fu fighting title character. When Hong Kong Phooey wasn’t cleaning up a police station as a janitor, he was fighting crime on the streets. The series first debuted in 1974.

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Robert Englund Loves Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash Artwork and Not Much Else

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Interviews, Marvel Comics,

Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash #5 cover art

Robert Englund, best known for his portrayal of Freddy Kruger from the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, recently commented on WildStorm’s Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash comic; however, he seems to merely enjoy looking rather than reading it.

“Well, I love the artwork. I absolutely love the artwork. I like the storyline but I love the artwork. I think the cover art is just phenomenal,” the Los Angeles native explained.

Makes me wonder if he actually read the books…

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