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These iOS apps are on sale for the 2013 Holiday season

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds, Software,

iOS app store holiday sale

Each year, app makers a plenty discount their apps in the hopes that those who've received a new iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch will be enticed to spend a little cash to give their apps a try. This year is no different, and we've compiled some of the best below:

We've already got a lot of these apps on our iOS devices here, and we can vouch for each of the picks above. Enjoy them!


Tweetbot 3.0 for iPhone brings updated design to an already great app

Tweetbot 3.0

Tweetbot is the Twitter client of choice here at Gear Live HQ, and we've been delighted by the newest version, Tweetbot 3.0. Released yesterday on the App Store, Tweetbot 3.0 is an all-new app, completely rewritten and redesigned from the ground up by the team at Tapbots. If you're a user of the older version, the new Tweetbot may seem a bit unfamiliar at first, but that's just because the team stripped away old design ideas, and decided to take on iOS 7 design language, and it turned out fantastic. New functionality makes the app faster, and it's normally ready with your fully updated timeline whenever you launch it, thanks to the integration of the iOS 7 Background Fetch API. Sounds in Tweetbot are as whimsical as ever, and the whole app just feels brighter and more open. If you're already a Tweetbot user, it should be noted that Tweetbot 3.0 is a new, separate purchase. Check out a video demo after the break.

You can download Tweetbot 3.0 for iPhone now for $2.99.

Click to continue reading Tweetbot 3.0 for iPhone brings updated design to an already great app

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Tweetbot for Mac 1.3 brings media timeline, cover images, more

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, PC / Laptop, Software,

Tweetbot Mac 1.3

Tweetbot for Mac has been updated to version 1.3, which mostly carries over a lot of the recent features introduced in Tweetbot for iOS. This includes things like media view, and support for the Twitter cover images on profile pages. Here's the full list:

  • New media timeline. Type command f and switch to the media view (next to the search box).
  • New look for Tweet detail including retweet and favorite counts.
  • Profile Cover Image support.
  • Double clicking titlebar above a profile view will scroll profile back to top. Double clicking again will scroll their timeline/mentions/faves to the top.
  • Fixed issues with unread items obscuring notification/error messages and attached post windows.
  • Fixed issue where you text was still editable after you’d sent a tweet.
  • Various other bug fixes.

You can download Tweetbot for Mac now.

Tweetbot 2.8 adds new media timeline and redesigned image viewer

Posted by Jason Diaz Categories: Social Networking, App Updates, $2.99,

Tweetbot version 2.8   Tweetbot version 2.8

The fine folks at Tapbots have updated their popular iOS twitter client, Tweetbot, to version 2.8 for iOS. The update adds a new tab specifically for media timeline consumption, showing just the images and videos from those you follow. Additionally, you can now swipe right to left on any given tweet to reveal retweets and the number of users who favorited. Viewing photos has been made frictionless by eliminating the transition to another screen, much like the image viewer behavior of Tweetbot for OS X. Direct Tweetbot download links here: iPad and iPhone / iPod Touch.

What's New in Version 2.8

  • New media timeline. Scroll to the top of a timeline and switch to the new media view (next to the search box). This view displays only supported image and video tweets.
  • Completely redesigned image viewer
  • Tweet/status detail view now displays the number of Favs and Retweets
  • Fixed Instagram Previews
  • Various other bug fixes

Read More | Tweetbot

Tweetbot for Mac 1.2 update brings Vine, Flickr thumbnail support

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Apple, PC / Laptop, Software,

Tweetbot for Mac 1.2

Tweebot for iOS was updated about two weeks ago to include in-line viewing of Flickr and Vine content, and the same treatment is now available for the Mac version.

In version 1.2, Tweetbot for Mac allows for six-second films, as well as several new upgrades and bug fixes, such as being able to opt-in for notifications for specific Twitter accounts, as well as a new ability to begin messages by dragging videos or images to the app icon. The Mac app of Tweetbot also now features MP4 support and account reordering in the preferences section. Also, the software used is version 1.1 of the Twitter API, which supports a new Costolo and Co. approved UI.

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Tweetbot for Mac 1.0.1 now available

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, PC / Laptop, Software,

Tweetbot for Mac 0.8.0 beta

Tweetbot for Mac has just been updated to version 1.0.1, bringing with it a few nice improvements, including integration with OS X 10.8 Reading List when you want to mark a URL to be read later. Here's the full changelog:

  • added support for Reading List as a Read Later service (OS X Mountain Lion only)
  • added j/k navigation support in timeline
  • added ability to disable Streaming in Preferences
  • improved keyboard support in people searcher
  • fixed an issue where timeline would scroll down to tweets that were already read
  • fixed streaming on accounts with more than 1500 followers
  • fixed other reported issues and bugs

Grab the update from the Mac App Store now!

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Tweetbot for Mac now available for $19.99

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Software,

Tweetbot for Mac review

Tweetbot is arguably the best Twitter experience you can get on an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad, and now the folks at Tapbots have released Tweetbot for Mac. It's a clean, polished Twitter experience that outshines both official offerings from Twitter itself--Twitter for Mac and Tweetbot. iCloud and Notification Center support are on board, allowing you to sync preferences and read items across devices. You can pick up Tweetbot for Mac now for $19.99 in the Mac App Store. Why so much? Well, due to Twitter's new, strict API rules, developers like Tapbots only have a limited number of user tokens that its apps can use. So if you wanna use Tweetbot, you're gonna have to grab it soon, because once the API tokens are gone, they're gone.

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Tweetbot for Mac 0.8.0 beta now available

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Software,

Tweetbot for Mac 0.8.0 beta

Tweetbot for Mac is progressing quite nicely, and today has moved from alpha to beta with the release of version 0.8.0. Unfortunately, thanks to Twitter's new asinine rules for developers, only those who has already authorized Twitter for Mac to be used with their Twitter accounts can use the app, so if you weren't an alpha user, then this won't do anything for you. Here are the changes and improvements that are found in Tweetbot 0.8.0:

  • lots of bug fixes
  • can paste images into new tweet window again
  • can copy tweets on timeline
  • can do ‘open in new column’ (they also have keyboard shortcuts)
  • multi-column swiping and keyboard support much improved. Use tab shift/tab to move between columns.
  • better keyboard support: status detail + many other views
  • profile view: can scroll user information so can see more tweets
  • drag and drop tweets has been improved
  • gap loading works properly now
  • context click on tweet action buttons in timeline
  • did I mention we fixed a bunch of bugs too?

Read More | Tapbots

Tweetbot for Mac brings multi-column layout to alpha 4

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, PC / Laptop, Software,

Tweetbot for Mac alpha 4

Tweetbot for Mac has just been updated to Alpha 4 0.6.3, and with it comes a bunch of new features, the star of which is a multiple column layout that puts Tweetdeck to shame. Here's the changelog:

  • Window snapping, multiple columns. Create new windows and snap them together for a multiple column layout
  • Menu bar icon
  • Notifications now show up for all accounts (OS X 10.8 only)
  • Custom image/video/URL services now work
  • Locations now work under OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

You can download Tweetbot for Mac Alpha 4 now for free.

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Tweetbot for Mac alpha 3 now available

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, PC / Laptop, Software,

Tweetbot for Mac alpha 3

Tapbots is iterating quickly on its Tweetbot for Mac alpha software. The original alpha was released just 13 days ago, and the second update (Alpha 3) is already available for download. Tweetbot for Mac alpha 3 addresses the new tweet window/hashtag popover bug that's been causing crashes, while alpha 2 addressed many more issues that were present in the initial release. You can find the full alpha 2 changelog after the break.

Click to continue reading Tweetbot for Mac alpha 3 now available
