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We’ve entered the auditorium here in the West Hall, and are currently waiting for the Media Briefing to begin. Very nice setup in here, by the way. Bunch of stage lighting, high definition displays, and…oh, even a mock living room setup. Snazzy. Anyhow, keep it locked here, as we will be bringing you live updates from the keynote as it happens. Any predictions on what we will be seeing announced today?

Oh, as for images, we will update the post with a bunch of those after the keynote ends. We wanna focus on bringing you the text updates for now, mkay?

We start with some Xbox 360 Street Talk, where apparently Microsoft went around town and interviewed people off the streets, and asked them about what they like about Xbox 360. Obviously, all good comments here. Now we get answers for questions like “What is a noob?”, “What does it mean to be ‘pwned’?”, “What does melee mean?”, “What does RPG mean?”, etc. Basically, what do average people know about video game terms. This is kind of like sitting through the advertisement trailers in the movie theater, the ones that come before the actual trailers.

Check out the rest of the keynote after the jump:

Click to continue reading E3 2008: Xbox Media Briefing: Gears of War 2, Lips, Guitar Hero Tunes, Final Fantasy XIII announced

Gallery: E3 2008: Xbox Media Briefing: Gears of War 2, Lips, Guitar Hero Tunes, Final Fantasy XIII announced


Looks like has finally gotten around to attempting to fix the horribly, horribly broken DRM model, which we have written about in the past here and here, with the release of the Xbox 360 Content License Transfer Tool. The video above, hosted by Major Nelson, shows off exactly how users go about consolidating all their licenses to a single Xbox 360 console. There are a couple of issues here though, and they need to be addressed - after all, if you are going to work on a tool to help your users, the help shouldn’t result in new problems.

Click to continue reading Xbox 360 Content License Transfer Tool now available

Gallery: Xbox 360 Content License Transfer Tool now available

Viva Piñata cover art

Here is some sad news for fans of one of the Xbox 360‘s best and most criminally underplayed games, Viva PiñataRare has officially confirmed that the game will see no downloadable content whatsoever.  Following the announcement of a DS version of Viva Piñata, many fans had hoped that this news would presage the release of new piñatas, items, and features (specifically the ability for players to visit each other’s gardens), but apparently it wasn’t to be.  A Rare developer cruelly crushed our dreams in response to a fan’s request, saying, “We aren’t doing any downloadable content for Viva Piñata because we are much too busy doing [i]something else[/i].”

Take special note of the italics.  Do they imply the development of a proper 360 sequel?  Only the ninjas that have been dispatched to Rare’s headquarters can know for sure.

Read More | Rare

Gallery: No Downloadable Content for Viva Piñata

Gears of War's Marcus FenixThe Hidden Fronts map pack for the popular title , originally offered for 800 Microsoft Points several months back over some protestations from gamers and Epic themselves, is now available for free as promised.

Hidden Fronts includes four new multiplayer maps, Bullet Marsh, Garden, Process and Subway. For those looking to stretch a bit more life out of their Xbox Live multiplayer experience until hits, this may be the way to do it.

Gallery: Gears of War For-Pay Map Pack Available Free Today


After postponing the demo for their upcoming skateboarding game —originally scheduled for August 15—publisher has settled on Tuesday, August 21st as a new release date. One of the anticipated features of the game that was to be available on the demo is the video capture and upload capabilities. It was reportedly technical problems with this functionality that delayed the demo’s release in the first place, but EA believes they have hammered out the issues. This allows players to make video clips of their game play and upload them to share with other players online.

Skate is challenging the long-running and popular skateboard series and is scheduled for release on September 12.

Read More | IGN

Gallery: EA’s Skate Demo Rescheduled

Katamari Little PrinceFirst the Big Daddy, now the Little Prince.  Live demo madness continues as the latest installment of Namco’s popular roll-everything-into-a-ball-and-create-a-new-star franchise (how would you describe it?) has a little taster up on Xbox Live Marketplace.  This gameplay tease, all too brief at three minutes, will hopefully give fans a little something to tide them over until the full game hits and later this year.

Read More | Major Nelson

Gallery: Beautiful Katamari Demo Rolls Onto Xbox Live


has announced that BioShock is gold and they also managed to sneak a demo of the game onto Xbox Live Marketplace. The 1.35 GB download has caused a flood of traffic, and some are reporting errors or stalls when trying to get their hands on a copy. If only PC gamers had such problems; 2K did confirm that they would be releasing a PC demo, but said only that it would be coming “later this month.”

Early reviews for the game have been exceedingly positive and with the game only a little more than a week from release, this should help hold you over for the next eight days.

Read More | Major Nelson

Gallery: BioShock Demo Hits Xbox Live Marketplace


Xbox 360 owners looking for a little John Woo-style running and gunning action should head to the Xbox Live Marketplace at their earliest convenience.  You probably know what it’s all about by now, but if not, here you go:  Take one part Hard Boiled, mix with two parts Max Payne, and you’ve got Stranglehold.  Throw in Chow Yun-Fat’s voice and likeness, and you’ve got THE game for Woo fans.  Try before you buy today; the full game is slated to hit the , as well as the , next month.

Click to continue reading Stranglehold Demo Hits Xbox Live

Gallery: Stranglehold Demo Hits Xbox Live

300 Xbox 360For those who can’t make it to this year’s Comic-Con, your Xbox 360 has got your back. Starting tomorrow, July 26, and running until August 7, Xbox Live and Xbox.com/comiccon will be home to all sorts of good content from the event. Previously, Bringing It Home only provided coverage to E3 and TGS, but it looks like Microsoft saw how much the public appreciated it, and has decided to do it for other events. Here’s to hoping Comic-Con isn’t the last new event added to the Bringing It Home campaign.

From July 26 to August 7, Xbox LIVE and Xbox.com/comiccon will feature full access to all of Warner [Bros.]’s Comic-Con featured game trailers, show panels, movie and TV trailers and sneak peeks, celebrity interviews, show exclusives and customization themes for Xbox LIVE. Plus, action film and comic book fans will have access to an array of exclusive themes from 300 and DC Comics available for download.
Additionally, 300 fans who are attending Comic-con this year are in for two special treats.  Warner Bros. will be hosting a special screening of the movie at Petco field for 6,000 conference attendees, all of whom will be entered to win one of ten custom limited edition 300-themed Xbox 360 Elite consoles.

Gallery: Xbox Live Bringing It Home Again: Comic-Con 2007 Edition

Vampire Rain

While neither of these games are really my bag (Sylpheed is nice and all, but it’s just not as fun as, say, StarLancer), those of you who do have them can head onto the Xbox Live Marketplace to pick up some free DLC.

Sylpheed’s content is composed of six new missions and leaderboards (was the game rushed to release?), while Vampire Rain gets a bonus mission. From the press release:

Appealing to those with dreams of becoming an ace pilot, six new “Project Sylpheed” missions will offer a fresh set of challenges for gamers. The downloadable content will also include six new super-weapons to add to existing arsenals, plus Xbox LIVE Leaderboard support allowing players to track their rank and compete against their friends. The “Project Sylpheed” demo is also available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for eager intergalactic aerial pilots who want to hone their skills.
The “Vampire Rain” downloadable content will feature two new levels, which will test player’s sneak attack skills. Gamers can play as Claire Kelly in the first bonus level to eliminate Nightwalkers using only the UV knife for sneak attacks, or play as Duane Hanson in the second bonus level in a series of timed missions requiring them to collect all required equipment for the pending quest. Additionally, gamers can go to www.vampirerain.com to download all new in-game music for an extra boost of adrenaline.

According to Major Nelson, technical problems have caused the Project Sylpheed content to be yanked from Marketplace temporarily. Keep an eye on Major Nelson’s post to find out the moment the content goes live on again.

Gallery: New (Free!) Downloadable Content For Project Sylpheed And Vampire Rain
