Wednesday September 12, 2012 12:59 am
Brad Pitt Says Big Hollywood Pay Days Are Over
Brad Pitt says actors can longer expect to earn multi-million dollar salaries.
The 48-year-old actor insists Hollywood just doesn't have the cash to splash on its major stars at the moment due to the global financial crisis and the top actors must simply get used to the economic change. When asked if major stars could expect to earn $10 million per movie, he told the BBC, "Yeah, that thing died. That arithmetic doesn't really work right now ... that deal's not flying these days."
Despite the drop in salaries, Brad insists it is a really "interesting" time in Hollywood at the moment. The Killing Them Softly star insists the monetary challenges can bring the best out of the industry. "It's a really interesting time. A lot of the studios have been challenged because of the economic downturn as well so they've been betting on bigger, more tent pole kinds of things. At the same time that opens up a vacuum for really interesting new filmmakers to come in," he explained.
According to Forbes' top 10 highest earning actors list - published in July - Brad banked $25 million in the last financial year. Tom Cruise topped the list with earnings of $75 million.
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- brad pitt, finances, financial issues, forbes, forbes magazine, quote, quotes
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