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Wednesday November 26, 2008 2:18 am

Werd: Thanks - Part Two

Posted by Patrick Snajder Categories: Editorials, Humor,

The Werd

Thank you mom for my birthday.

Thank you dad for the hustle.

Thank you Ed for the sense of humor.

Thank you Max for the heart.

Thank you Stef for understanding.

Thank you ROC Crew for lifting my spirits.

Thank you Lleras for the laughs.

Thank you Shawna for listening.

Thank you IM Buddys for being online.

Thank you left-handers for saying no to the right.

Thank you MGMT, The Arcade Fire, and Portishead for diversions.

Thank you DFW, Vonnegut, and Gladwell for the extensive studies.

Thank you for reading this.

Thank you internet for all of it.


Thank you Krugman for always being right, still.

Thank you this guy for being right while people laugh at you:


Thank you Obama for thinking about what is right.

Thank you McCain for not being a bully of the Right.

Thank you Bush for leaving quietly at night.

Thank you Palin for running in 2012.  Seriously: thanks.

Thank you Generation Y because Generation X was really getting antsy there for a minute: it took y’all long enough to get here and we needed the votes.

Thank you yin and the yang for making it whole.



Thank you Mets for another try.

Thank you Phillies for making us try harder next time.

Thank you Jets for making it interesting.

Thank you Sabres for not moving to Toronto.

Thank you Knicks for running.

Thank you Drew Magary, Sports Guy, and Leitch for making sports smart and funny.

Thank you rowing machine for pulling.

Thank you Epic softball for the ride.

Thank you local rec league for teaching me humility.

Thank you yoga for reminding me to practice.

Thank you pirates for bringing back the hook.



Thank you commenters for testing the theses.

Thank you authors for building your theses.

Thank you elasticity for letting you swing on deezes.

Thank you GearLive for keeping these pieces!


Thanks - Part One
Thanks - Part Two




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