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Nintendo drops price of Wii console to $129.99

Nintendo Wii price drop

The Nintendo Wii U console is set to drop in just 34 days, and Nintendo is looking to spend this last month enticing buyers with a $20 price drop on its current Wii console. The Nintendo Wii is now priced at $129.99 and includes two games: Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort alongside a Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuk, all in black. Expect to see the package in stores by October 28th.

Read More | BusinessWire


Black Wii available May 9 for $199 with Wii Sports Resort, MotionPlus

Posted by Finnian Durkan Categories: Accessories, Nintendo, Wii,

Black Wii

Getting tired of your standard-issue white console?  Well then fret no more, your prayers have been answered. Today, Nintendo announced the release of its new Black Wii, a console that will come packaged with Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and the control-enhancing Wii MotionPlus accessory.  Both the new black edition, available stateside May 9th, and all subsequent white consoles will still sell for $199, and both models will come with the aforementioned games and accessories included.  If I were you, I would go for the black one—white Wii consoles just scream “I’m stuck in 2007! Want to spend $4 a gallon on gas with me?”

You can order the Black Wii on Amazon now.

Read More | Black Wii

Nintendo Wii MotionPlus and Sports Resort Dated

Sports ResortMotionPlus

Nintendo is releasing its new on June 8. The accessory should give gamers finer detail and better accuracy with less movement. Easily attachable to the Remote, it will be available for $19.99.

The company also announced that Wii Sports Resort will launch July 26, a beach themed version of Wii Sports. Throw a Frisbee, cruise on a water scooter and more for $49.99. Each purchase of the new game will include one Wii MotionPlus.


Read More | Business Wire

eCost Black Friday Wiis Only $99.00

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Hot Deals, Internet, Nintendo, Wii,

eCost Wii

If you don’t yet have a Wii, head over to eCost on Black Friday, where they will be offering one each hour for $99.00. Beginning tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. EST, the 10 units come with a sensor bar, stand, WiiMote, Nunchuck and Wii Sports. Look for it in the Bargain Countdown section. We’re sure they will have other awesome deals so look around the site in case you miss out on the game system deal, but note that you will have to pay shipping.

Note: Because of the response, eCost will also be offering one Wii tonight from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. for the same price, so eat quickly.


Read More | eCost

Bleeding Edge TV 292: Wii Sports Resort preview

Sports is one of the most popular and accessible console pack-in games of all time, so it’s only natural that would want to follow up with a paid offering. That’s where Wii Sports Resort comes in. The sequel to Wii Sports will be the first game to be compatible with the add-on, which feature 1:1 mapping of your Wiimote. The game will come bundled with the MotionPlus device and an extended Wii Remote Jacket, both of which will also be sold separately. Games announced to be included (so far) are: Frisbee (Disc Dog), Jet Skiing, and Kendo, with more to come. Wii Sports Resort will launch in Spring 2009.

Nerf Sports Pack for Nintendo Wii

Posted by Lolita Beckwith Categories: Accessories, Toys, Video Games,

Nerf Sports PackAs if playing Wii Sports wasn’t realistic enough, the folks at Performance Designed Products have taken it to the next level with the Nerf Sports Pack, introduced at the 2007 Toy Fair in New York last week. Included are foam attachments with that familiar Nerf feel that transform your “Wiimote” into a cushy tennis racket, baseball bat or golf club. Look for it this summer, retailing between $15 and $30 USD. Who says playing it safe can’t be fun?

Read More | Crave

Wii Sports Bowling Easter Egg: The 91 Pin Strike

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Nintendo, Sports, Wii,

It will take a bit of skill, but no doubt, this is one cool Easter Egg. In the training mode of Wii Sports Bowling, you are able to try your luck against an ever-growing number of pins, capping at a 91-pin setup. Rather than going for broke trying to legitimately knock down all 91 of those bad boys, you can apparently trigger an explosion of atomic levels if you just send the ball straight down the bumper. Check the video to see what we mean.

First Wii Reviews Trickle In - Overall “Good” to “Impressive”

IGN Ratings
Today some of the bigger gaming sites out there finally sat down with pencil and paper (or keyboard and mouse I guess), and started drafting out their reviews for the first batch of Wii games. Their overall thoughts? IGN has taken a look at three titles so far—the pack-in Wii Sports, Trauma Center, and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz—and their reviews range from “Good” for Wii Sports (7.5) to “Impressive” for Trauma Center and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (8.0 and 8.4, respectively).

In general, most of the reviews would play out like you would expect - generally somewhat lackluster / simple graphics, but cool/interesting control schemes that work flawlessly in most cases. IGN noted some control issues with the packed-in Wii Sports, stating that some of the sports seemed somewhat half-baked, but the other 2 titles faired very well in the control department. IGN even went so far with Monkey Ball as to state that “If you’ve been on the fence about the Wii controls, put those fears to rest. True, there is a different technique involved, but once you get the hang of it you will be flying through levels with precision and speed. Now that I’ve played through Banana Blitz, I would not want to go back to the older control configurations.”

We’ll keep our eyes peeled for further reviews - Red Steel and Zelda obviously being the two most interesting, and we’ll be posting our thoughts as well once we’re able to get our hands on the console!

Read More | IGN Wii

Underground Wii Parties Have Started

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Nintendo, Wii,

Wii Remote Keychain

Nintendo has said that they have been throwing secret underground Wii events across the country, and Siliconera has a couple of links to gamers that have been able to attend a recent party in Los Angeles. People attending the party were lead to a secret location, where they were able to be among the first to play such titles as Wii Sports, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Rayman Raving Rabbits, Trauma Center: Second Opinion,Excite Truck, and more. Fairly lengthy impressions can be found in the blog and forum posts, but overall it seemed like the general feeling was good about the games presented. All attendees also got a coupon for a free Wii remote when they purchase a system later.

Update: Another Nintendo Underground Party Here

Read More | Nintendo Forums via Siliconera

Read More | eToychest via Siliconera

Wii Sports to Sport Boxing!

Wii Sports Baseball ScreenshotIn the bevy of press materials Nintendo sent out today were some tasty tidbits about upcoming games for the Wii. The first one of note is that Wii Sports, which will come as a pack-in game for the $249.99 console, will now feature Wii Boxing(!!) alongside Tennis, Baseball, Golf, and Bowling.

Straight from the press materials (you read it here first!):

Boxing (1-2 players): Using the Nunchuk controller as one glove and the Wii Remote as the other, players dodge, weave and punch their opponents. Players hold their hands high to guard their faces or low to block their torsos. They punch high to hit their opponents’ faces or low to get under their guard for a body blow. Swing both arms left or right to sidestep oncoming blows and move into position for a devastating knockout.

Sounds very cool! Maybe EA will pick up on what an intuitive play mechanic this is and bring Fight Night to the Wii? Wii can only hope!
