On Gear Live: Apple’s $400,000,000 Secret to Saving the Planet

Jonah Hill: Healthier Actors Get Taken More Seriously

Jonah HillJonah Hill thinks actors taken "seriously" if they are in good shape.

The 28-year-old actor has been working out to get fitter for his forthcoming movie roles because he believes it is a "sign of maturity" if people are healthy, and he isn't happy that he most praise he has ever received came when he was "big" in 2011 sports drama Moneyball.

"I think there are a lot of talented dramatic actors who are all different shapes and sizes. I think as I mature in many different ways - physically, emotionally, literally grow older - I think different roles are afforded to me and I think as my resume matures... I was big in Moneyball and that's the most praise I got for a performance. I don't think like that. I think it is about the work you are doing. Getting in better shape is a sign of maturity. I think you are taken seriously. I think Bennett Miller said that about me, 'That I could tell he wanted to shed his skin and get out of whatever box he is in.' I didn't think about that at the time but when he said that I was like... Oh! A very insightful guy."

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Paranormal Activity 3 Scares Off Competition

Paranormal Activity 3

Even though its predecessor received mixed reviews, Paranormal Activity 3 still managed to come out on top this past weekend, bumping last week's robot-packed action film Real Steel down to the #2 spot.

The sequel prequel horror film took in $54 million for its first week, which established the new record for largest Fall opening (September and October). Real Steel came in second at $11.3 million while the Footloose remake raked in $10.8 million, down one spot from its debut. Summit's The Three Musketeers pulled in $8.8 in its first week as George Clooney's film The Ides of March rounded out the top five at $4.9 million.

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Moneyball Will Roll On

Steven SoderberghMoneyball may have suffered a delay, but the game was not completely called off. Unfortunately, the project will not resume without a few changes to the lineup.

Still playing? Brad Pitt. On the disabled list? .

Production on the sports film was halted late last month, just days before lensing was to begin. Although Columbia Pictures head Amy Pascal had been pleased with earlier versions of the script, a final version drafted by Soderbergh, the movie’s director, was considered a disappointment.

While it was unclear whether the film would go to another studio, or just be scrapped altogether, Sony decided to tap Aaron Sorkin (Sports Night) for another rewrite. Unfortunately, they’ve also chosen to go with a new director as well.

It’s hoped a script will be done by August.

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Possible Strikeout for Soderbergh’s Moneyball

Moneyball's Steven Soderbergh and Brad Pitt

It looks like may have struck out just days before its planned start.

Although production was set to begin on Monday, Columbia Pictures head Amy Pascal has placed the film in limited turnaround. This means the adaptation of Michael Lewis’ Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game might not be seen at all. had been committed to play Billy Beane, the real-life baseball player turned Oakland A’s manager. The book told the story of Beane’s use of computer-based analysis - instead of a deep pocket book - to build a competitive baseball team.

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Brad Pitt Named for Odyssey, Moneyball

Brad PittIf you thought a growing household would slow Brad Pitt down, you were wrong. The actor, who is currently filming Inglourious Basterds (previously spelled Inglorious Bastards) in Germany, just recently had his name attached to two more possible projects. (Keep in mind, Angelina will eventually be abandoning the children for Edwin A. Salt.)

According to Variety, Pitt may soon be following his work on Troy with another Homer adaptation. Brad - who played Achilles in the 2004 film - is currently in discussions to take on the Odysseus-like character in Warner Bros.’ update of The Odyssey. Sadly (for me), this role would not require the 44-year-old to sport any type of toga. It’s the studio’s intention to set the classic tale in outer space.

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