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Sneak Peek at NBC’s Celebrity-Heavy Reality Show

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Prime Time, Reality, NBC, Gossip, Renewals, Video,

Can’t wait for the two hour premiere of NBC’s ? View the video clip above to get an early, behind-the-scenes taste of the show.

View another video clip of the show .

(You can find all the I’m a Celebrity posts here.)

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Review: Hitched or Ditched

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Prime Time, Reality, The CW, Gossip,

Hitched or Ditched

In the midst of between-season re-runs and in place of 90210, The CW managed to sneak in a new reality show. And thus, premiered last night with its pilot, “Bastards Out of Carolina.” Relationships, the possibility of marriage (or a public dumping), family drama and episode titles this titillating? Yeah, it was pretty much a given that this one was going to be good.

In this starter episode, viewers were introduced to the first in a season-long line of couples. For this showing, Hitched or Ditched presented us with CeLisa and Travis. She’s a 26 year old nanny, he’s a 32 year old building contractor. At the top of the episode, they were presented as a couple that’s very much in love…but. She thinks he’s got commitment and jealousy issues; he thinks she’s too much of a wild child and can’t seem to fully trust her. When CeLisa told the cameras that she feels her biological clock “ticking, ticking, ticking,” I felt a shiver of dread.

Like, no wonder the dude’s afraid of marriage.

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Jon and Kate Plus One Huge Media Obsession

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Television, Break-ups, Divorce, Rumors,

Jon and Kate Gosselin

started out as a TLC documentary which somehow blossomed into the flagship reality series for the station. Now, the cable reality show has suddenly become extremely important…because suddenly, it’s become extremely interesting. Even the hint of infidelity is enough to create a media firestorm.

This has made Jon & Kate Plus 8 the nation’s newest obsession, but only watchers will get the inside scoop. “I didn’t think it would escalate into what it’s become,” said Jon Gosselin, who sparked the original rumors by appearing in public with a female companion, aged 23.

“Just the allegations make me furious,” Kate responded to the media gossip. When asked about the future of her marriage, she replied, “I wish I knew.” Ah, the future is an uncertain mistress. “Very swiftly we turned into two people,” she said during the TLC special.

TLC offered Jon and Kate’s sides of the story for the season premiere of the show, which conveniently falls right when media attention is at its hottest.

…Isn’t it funny how these things work out, sometimes?

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Reviewing FOX’s Fall: A Glee-ful Premiere?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Comedy, Music, Prime Time, FOX, Gossip, Video,

will feature rather prominently on FOX’s fall schedule, appearing in the coveted spot right behind the So You Think You Can Dance results show. The network is throwing every promotional trick they can muster at the series, with the early post-Idol premiere serving as the biggest treat in the campaign.

So, was it worth the hour of programming?

The opening was promising enough: fast-paced, flashing scenes at a sunny high school. An energetic, cheerleader-heavy intro ended with the coach’s angry face and witty one-liner - perfectly setting the tone for the rest of the episode.

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FOX Reveals Fall Schedule


With the spring season winding down, the fall season is already waiting to heat up this November. FOX has unveiled their upcoming schedule, so you can anticipate all through the long weeks of summer reality shows.

FOX staples like House, So You think You Can Dance and Bones will all retain their usual weekday time slots, with Fringe and Lie To Me both getting the renewal nod. The musical comedy will appear on Wednesday, right after the Dance results show.

Friday will be a night of new programming for some viewers, as FOX has shifted their much-moved ‘Til Death into this space with two newbies. Brothers will premiere at the top of the 8 o’clock hour, with Dollhouse rounding out the latter half of the 8-10 block.

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FOX Won’t Stop Believing in an After-Idol Smash

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Comedy, Music, FOX, American Idol, Gossip, Video,

If you’ve paid any attention to FOX’s summer seasons, you know the network has had a fair bit of trouble finding a hit to put in place for Idol’s off season. was a rare win for the network, which has been looking for a similar summer reality hit for their mid-week lineup for several years.

And now, they’ve finally wised up and turned to a scripted series. In-between intense moments on , FOX has been running increasingly intriguing trailers for their musically-toned Glee. The first time I read a press release about this series, I sneered. Somewhere around the thirty-eighth promo, I started to smile. And now…I feel kinda gleeful about the premiere of Glee.

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Army Wives Re-Enlist on Lifetime

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Drama, Prime Time, Cable, Renewals, Video,

Lifetime’s runaway success will return this summer for a third season. The second season of the show, which finished it run in November 2008, drew more than 80 million total viewers.The series has already been picked up by the cable network for a fourth season.

Army Wives focuses on a group of wives, and one husband, whose spouses are actively serving their country. The show, set on a military post, has been critically acclaimed and well-received by fans. Kim Delaney, Sally Pressman, Brigid Brannagh, Brian McNamara, Sterling K. Brown, Wendy Davis, Drew Fuller, Terry Serpico, Katelyn Pippy and Catherine Bell make up the cast.

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Jonas Premieres Tomorrow Night: Do You Care?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Comedy, Kids, Music, Prime Time, Cable, Gossip,

Disney’s Jonas, a sitcom starring the , is scheduled to premiere Saturday night. I know what you’re thinking: is it possible for Disney to squeeze in more televised coverage of this trio? Evidently, it is.

But I expect it to be a flop, and that’s not a commentary on their acting abilities. I’d like to present the evident which supports this theory: Disney-viewing kids are, first, already Jonas saturated. They’re also too busy keeping up with Hannah Montana re-runs to worry about that many new shows - and Disney’s summer schedule is always so chock-full of made-for-TV movies it’s hard to realize they actually have serialized programming still running. The Jonas Brothers have also already proved they don’t have -like clout, as their movie performed below expectations at the box office.

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Surprise Showing of New Star Trek Movie in Texas

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Movies,

Leonard Nimoy

It pays to be the right Trekker at the right time. Two hundred moviegoers in Austin, Texas, who were told they would see a trailer to the new Star Trek movie along with “The Wrath of Khan” Monday night, were pleasantly surprised when the Alamo Draughthouse Theater previewed the entire film. The older film had started when it appeared to have melted. After a couple of minutes Leonard Nimoy came out and told fans the good news. Mr. Spock hung around for the showing, as did filmmakers Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof. The reaction was mostly positive, going as far as a standing ovation when it was over.


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Bring Wolverine Premiere to Your City

Interested in seeing People’s Sexiest Man Alive in the flesh? Well, here’s your chance!

Effective immediately, fans of the X-Men series can vote to bring the premiere of X-Men Origins: Wolverine to their hometown. Submissions will be accepted until April 17 with the winning city announced on April 20.

The lucky city will get - and the whole red carpet treatment - on April 27, just days before the nationwide debut on May 1.

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