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No Fashion Regrets for Eva Green

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Celebrities, Fashion Designers, News,

Eva GreenNot that she’s been much of a fashion police target, never regrets an outfit.

The actress - who is known for her sexy dress sense - doesn’t believe in worrying about clothes she has previously worn as “it’s simply not worth it.” Discussing her wardrobe and style, Eva said, “I never regret anything I wear - it’s simply not worth it. When I don’t know what to wear, I put on skinny black jeans and an oversized cashmere jumper - preferably from Donna Karen. If I can face it, I’ll put on heels.”

While she loves clothes, her favorite it is a black leather Dior bag and never leaves home without it. She added, “It has my initials on it which makes it extra special. I take it everywhere; it’s my Mary Poppins bag.”

The 29-year-old beauty also revealed Marlene Dietrich is her style icon: “She was so feminine but at the same time, still strong. I’m crazy about that everyday 30s look. I loved all the costumes in my new film Cracks. I wore beautiful high-waisted trouser suits, headscarves and gorgeous printed silks. The costume designer Alison Byrne is a genius.”


Bryan Singer Signs Deal For X-Men Origins Film

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Marvel Comics,

Bryan Singer at the Valkyrie premiereShowing up on the red carpet at the Avatar premiere a few nights ago, X-Men and X2 director Bryan Singer spilled some major news regarding the next X-Men Origins film.

“I’m prepping up to do a movie called Jack the Giant Killer [at] Warner Brothers, and I just yesterday signed a deal to do an X-Men First Class Origins picture, which is kind of cool.” So much for keeping the audience guessing!

Then again, word of Singer directing the next film isn’t as shocking when you consider that he’s already expressed interest in returning to the mutant mythology; he probably was simply uber-excited to break the story: “I’m still looking to possibly returning to the X-Men franchise. I’ve been talking to Fox about it. I love Hugh Jackman. I love the cast.”

Unfortunately, Singer will be working with a younger cast that sounds like Jackman won’t be asked to join. Series producer Lauren Shuler Donner described X-Men Origins: First Class as such: “The movie focuses on the first class at Xavier’s school of the gifted, so only those mutants will be featured in the first movie.”

Street Kings writer Jamie Moss is set to pen the script; aside from that, little else has been said about the project.

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Dolce and Gabbana Say Working on Nine Was a Dream

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Fashion Designers, News, Rumors,

Dolce and Gabbana on the set of NineDolce and Gabbana admit starring in was a “dream come true.”

Prestigious fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana - who make a brief appearance in the romantic musical movie - were desperate to work on the project inspired by Italian firm director Federico Fellini because he is a movie “maestro.”

“We wanted so much to be part of this project! Federico Fellini has always been one of our greatest sources of inspiration, one of the most important Italian directors. For us, being part of a movie inspired by the work of the maestro is like a dream come true.”

Despite only appearing on-screen for a short while, the designing duo were thrilled to work on the celebrity-filled film, which stars Marion Cotillard, , Judi Dench, Fergie, Kate Hudson, Nicole Kidman, Sophia Loren and Daniel Day-Lewis.

They added to People, “ did an amazing work and the cast is amazing! He was able to put together the most beautiful and talented actresses of various generations and great actors. We couldn’t be more happy to be chosen, even if for a short appearance.”

Iron Man 2 Poster Showcases Mickey Rourke as Whiplash

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Marvel Comics,

Mickey Rourke as Whiplash

First we got a glimpse of Iron Man 2‘s War Machine; now Paramount has released an image of Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko a.k.a. Whiplash.

Set against a backdrop of newspaper clippings centering on Tony Stark’s nontraditional superhero reveal that he was Iron Man, Rourke doesn’t don a mask as the Russian criminal (at least, we have yet to see an alternate costume change for this character) but does not look any less menacing and crazed.

Are you buying Rourke’s portrayal so far?

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IDW Releases Paranormal Activity Comic on iPhone

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: IDW Publishing,

Paranormal Activity comic

For movie-goers who were still intrigued at the end of Paranormal Activity, IDW has offered up a comic book intended to provide some answers as to what happened after the film.

Titled Paranormal Activity: The Search For Katie, A Case Study by Dr. Johann Averys DMN, you won’t be able to get this comic at your local shop—IDW released the story exclusively for the iPhone and iPod Touch. This marks the first comic that IDW has published exclusively via digital means.

(Spoilers after the jump)

Click to continue reading IDW Releases Paranormal Activity Comic on iPhone

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Quote of the Day: Rihanna on Dream Role

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Music, Rumors,


“I’d love to be an assassin. Either that or a lesbian. Maybe both. Hey, a gay assassin, there’s nothing hotter than that. Megan Fox would play my girlfriend - hands down. She’s yummy. She’s hot.”

- “Hard” singer Rihanna on her ideal film role.

(Make sure to check out our other quotes of the day.)

Read More | MTV UK via NY Mag

Stan Lee Tweets About His Thor Role

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Marvel Comics,

Stan LeeWhile it may not be shocking that Stan Lee is set to appear in the upcoming Thor film, it’s still fun to see him write about it on his Twitter.

Although Lee doesn’t discuss the details of his cameo appearance, he confirms meeting with director Kenneth Branagh to talk about the part.

“Hey, I got an email from the multu-talented director of Thor, Kenneth Branagh… Kenneth Branagh (of course I call him ‘Ken!’) said my cameo’s set for the upcoming Thor movie.—To him, it’s a cameo, to me—it’s a ROLE!”

Lee later goes on to joke about the extent of his character’s impact on the film:

“I went easy on Ken Branagh when we discussed my role in Thor. Told him I wouldn’t insist on my name above the title, I think he was grateful… Yeah, I mentioned Ken Banagh a few times, but I warned you I was a name dropper. Seriously tho’, with him directing, Thor‘s a sure winner… Of course, my previous tweet revealed the extent of my innate modesty. I really wanted to add ‘With me doing a cameo, Thor‘s a sure winner.’ Can’t tweet anymore. Due to Thor, I must start rehearsing my thee’s and thou’s. So, if thou objecteth not, I wish thee well! ‘Nuff saideth.”

Unfortunately, we’ve got quite a ways to go until we’ll see his stunning performance—the film is due out in theaters May 20, 2011.

(FYI - You can also follow Comix411 on Twitter.)

Read More | Stan Lee's Twitter

Entourage: The Movie?

EntourageAlthough we’re still not sure when Entourage is going to end, already knows where the show is heading.

During a recent interview, the show’s executive producer said the program will some day end up in theaters. But first, Vinnie Chase and the boys will have to finish at least two more seasons on HBO. “We’ll see, there could be more. But then, a movie,” Wahlberg claimed.

A rep for the cable channel said a big screen feature could be in the cards. “It is not out of the realm of possibility, but the producers are concentrating on the new season,” HBO stated.

Would Entourage end up bombing like the faux-Medellin? Or would it become another box office hit like ? I’m sure Ari Gold is dying to know.

Read More | Showbiz 411

Quote of the Day: Jeff Bridges on Lack of Iron Man Script

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Marvel Comics,

Jeff Bridges as Obidiah Stane in Iron Man

“They had no script, man. They had an outline. We would show up for big scenes every day and we wouldn’t know what we were going to say. We would have to go into our trailer and work on this scene and call up writers on the phone, ‘You got any ideas?’ Meanwhile the crew is tapping their foot on the stage waiting for us to come on… So I said, ‘Oh, what we’re doing here, we’re making a $200 million student film. We’re all just f—-in’ around! We’re playin’. Oh, great!’ That took all the pressure off. ‘Oh, just jam, man, just play.’ And it turned out great!”

- Actor Jeff Bridges, who portrayed Obidiah Stane/War Monger, on filming the initial Iron Man movie.

(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)

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Ryan Reynolds Talks Green Lantern

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Interviews, Movies, Marvel Comics,

Ryan ReynoldsAlthough filming isn’t scheduled until next year, Green Lantern actor Ryan Reynolds threw fans some tidbits regarding the movie.

“It is [an origin story] to a certain degree, but it’s not a labored origin story, where the movie [truly] begins in the third act. The movie starts when it starts. We find out Hal is the guy fairly early on, and the adventure begins,” Reynolds explained.

The X-Men Origins: Wolverine actor also stated that it is similar to last year’s blockbuster Marvel hit, Iron Man:

“I think you walk away from this first film, and the moments that you remember and the moments that mean so much to you, not unlike Iron Man, are the moments where the guy’s not in the suit… That to me is the tough thing to get right. And that’s something that they did get right [in Iron Man]. You see why this guy’s in the suit, and that’s what’s interesting to me. Not that he is in the suit, but why.”

While the guy is rather protean—he kicks ass in films like Blade Trinity and then makes the girls drool in chick flicks like The Proposal—I’m not sure if he’s right for Hal Jordan. That could be, however, the huge Firefly/Nathan Fillion fan talking, though…

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