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What Happened in New Hampshire?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Reality, Gossip, News,

Hillary Clinton tears upThe first of the year was held January 8, barely after the smoke from the cleared. The results are now in, offering surprises after the likewise astounding votes in Iowa. But the story doesn’t begin with the voting polls, which opened January 8. Really, the outcome of the New Hampshire primary was dictated the day before.

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Keeping Up With the Presidential Hopefuls

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Specials, Cable, News,

Presidential DebateGet your DVR ready, set up the Tivo, or pop a tape into that antiquated VCR – because if you don’t, you’re probably going to miss the next round of . The writers’ strike has changed everything about TV, and the democratic process is no exception. The Democratic debate scheduled for December 10 was canceled because the three front runners in that party (Clinton, Obama, Edwards) would not cross picket lines. But never fear, there’s one scheduled for December 13 that will go on as planned. On the Republican side, the debate takes place on December 12. But odd time slots mean you’re probably going to miss every bit of these two-hour arguments.

The December 12 debate (Republicans) and the December 13 debate (Democrats) will both air on the Fox News Channel (a partisan cable channel if ever there was one) at 2 pm. 2 pm? Yes, in the middle of the day (hence, the need for recording devices). The Democratic debates scheduled for December 17 and January 6 have been canceled, but these Presidential hopefuls will bump heads again on January 5, 21 and 31 (New Year’s Eve – what a great addition to any party). Meanwhile, the Republican hopefuls (including ) will argue their sides on January 5,6, 10 and 30.

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The Pre-Primary Period

CNN Hosts Democratic Debate Tonight

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Prime Time, Reality, Specials, Cable, Editorial, News,

Hillary ClintonThe Democratic contenders in the Presidential race will take the stage tonight in another primary debate. The University of Nevada will host the event, which will be captured for posterity (and our criticism) by TV cameras. All the action begins at 8pm.

I’ve had the pleasure of watching the primary debates (for both opposing camps) from the beginning, and I must say there’s simply no better TV on at all. Each new debate sees more pointed comments, more heated arguments and more political “outing” from the competitors. Everyone’s policy is on the table for review, everyone’s actions will be called forward and everyone is sure to be at each other’s throats before it’s all said and done. Now, that’s entertainment.

CNN polls for the state of Nevada find in the lead by a huge margin (51%), proving to me that I am one of the few actually watching the debates.  is in second place with 23% of the popular vote while still in the running at 11%. , surprisingly, has surged ahead of other competitors with 5% of the vote, followed closely by who has 4%.  Both and have 1% of the popular vote, with 4% of those polled remaining undecided.

We all have to vote for one of these contenders, or one of the Republican debaters, fairly soon. Watch the debates.

Watch the debates


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Big Names Booked at Comedy Central

Jon StewartComedy Central’s , best known for tongue-in-cheek humor on the satirical , is getting attention from everywhere recently. Not only has Stewart’s show been nominated for an Emmy, but the host also recently turned down a network gig with NBC. Upcoming guests for The Daily Show include four Presidential candidates: Senator Joseph Biden (D – Del.), who has already appeared on the show once; John McCain (R), who will make his tenth appearance on the show August 16; Tommy Thompson (R – for. Gov. Wisc.) will appear on August 20; and Barack Obama (one of the heavyweight Democratic contenders) will make his second appearance on August 22.  The month promises to be full of candidates, coverage on the primary debates, and the jokes that make even this political mess fun.

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Keep a Scorecard for the Primary Debates

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Prime Time, Specials, News,

American FlagThe calendar says that 2008 is going to be a Presidential election year, and that can only mean one thing: primary debates. This year’s round of competitors are fierce and rarin’ to go – and anyone can catch the action on Sunday. Missed the first primary debates? No problem, they’re going to be doing this for months and months (and on a few different networks). The Presidency is wide open at this point, and it’s anybody’s guess just who will get the oh-so-important primary vote, but one thing is for sure: they will all scramble to outdo each other at the debates, and that makes for interesting TV. Who will walk away with your vote? Make sure you keep a notepad handy, or else you’ll never keep track of all the players.

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