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Weekend Reading: Bill Finger, Pixar, Toth and Calvin & Hobbes

Detective Comics #27Yeah, yeah, Avengers-mania is dying down and we’re back to counting the days until San Diego, right? Well, I am. In the meantime, let's read:

Want some story-writing advice from the gang at Pixar? Of course you do.

There’s no doubt that without writer Bill Finger, Batman wouldn’t be Batman. Booksteve’s Library has read and enjoyed Bill, The Boy Wonder: The Secret Co-Creator of Batman by Marc Tyler Nobleman. “Bob Kane was rather a self-serving individual who rarely did anything himself when he could get someone else to do it for him.” One of those someones was the writer Bill Finger.

Longbox Graveyard blogger Paul O’Connor has a companion gig: a regular column at Stash My Comics called The Dollar Box. Start here.

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Nintendo E3 Media Briefing live coverage!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories:

Nintendo E3 Media Briefing

Nintendo is set to fully unveil the Wii U console, and we are here to bring you the action live as it happens! Click on through for our live coverage of Nintendo's E3 Media Briefing and Wii U launch!

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Christian Bale Thinks Tom Hardy is ‘Phenomenal’

Bane and BatmanChristian Bale thinks Tom Hardy is a "phenomenal" actor.

The 38 year old actor claims his talented The Dark Knight Rises co-star "knows his s**t," but says the heavy costumes meant the pair didn't get much interaction.

"Tom is phenomenal. He's an extraordinary actor. If I were a director I would want Tom to be in my movies. He knows his s**t. But it's a funny distance that you have in these movies, literally, by being cocooned by a cowl. I don't truly feel like I've worked with Gary (Oldman), even though we've done three movies together. And likewise with Tom, we're both behind these masks. He's feeling the isolation as well. It's a strange feeling. So we agreed after this we'd like to work with each other on something one day!"

Christian reprises his role as Batman in Christopher Nolan's follow-up to The Dark Knight, and Tom plays arch-rival Bane. Nolan is insistent this will be the final time we see Gotham City.

Christian Bale Wants a Fourth Batman Film

Christian BaleChristian Bale would ''love the challenge'' of playing Batman for a fourth time.

The actor portrays the Caped Crusader and his alter ego Bruce Wayne for the third time in The Dark Knight Rises and though it is expected to be the final film in director Christopher Nolan's series, the 38-year-old star hasn't ruled out returning to the character again in the future.

"My understanding is that this is the last one. I think it's appropriate, I think it's going out at the right time. But... if Chris came to me with a script and said, 'You know what? There is another story,' then I would love the challenge of making a fourth one work," he said.

However, the director appears to have suggested there definitely won't be a fourth movie, saying the third film marks the "end" of the superhero's story: "What drew me to Batman in the first place was Bruce Wayne's story, and that he's a real character whose story begins in childhood. He's not a fully formed character like James Bond, so what we're doing is following the journey of this guy from a child who goes through this horrible experience of becoming this extraordinary character. That, for me, became a three-part story. And obviously the third part becomes the ending of the guy's story."

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Christian Bale Will Miss the Batman Suit

Christian BaleChristian Bale will miss his Batman suit, despite its heat and the headaches it caused him.

The Dark Knight Rises star appears as the caped crusader for the last time in the final instalment of the trilogy, and although the character's trademark black suit was awkward to swear, it has a special place in his heart.

"For all the discomfort and the heat and the sweat and the headaches and everything from it, when you sit back and watch the movie at the end of the day, you go: 'Well, that's f***ing cool.' I will miss that, it was a good bit of rubber," he said.

Meanwhile Christian's co-star, Anne Hathaway, who plays Batman's adversary, Catwoman, in the film was excited when she saw the clever way they worked her character's cat ears into the costume, as they are a pair of goggles which flip up when not used, to look like points on the top of her head: "I got chills when I saw that. I was so happy they had such a clever solution to a really iconic but sometimes unnecessary part of the costume."

The Dark Knight Rises - which also stars Tom Hardy as supervillain Bane - is in theaters in July.

Christopher Nolan Feels Responsibility to Batman Fans

Christopher NolanChristopher Nolan feels a "tremendous challenge and responsibility" to finish his Batman trilogy in a satisfactory way.

The director is preparing for the release of The Dark Knight Rises, the third and final installment in his series of films, and he admitted the pressure the getting to him.

"We feel a tremendous challenge and responsibility to finish our story. We have to give the audiences something they haven't seen before, but also fulfill their expectations of what they enjoyed in the first two films. That's the tricky balance," he said.

The movie was filmed across the globe with locations in the US, UK and India and Christopher revealed this was a conscious decision because he wanted a "broader canvas."

"With a sequel there is always the challenge of trying to meet or indeed exceed expectations. And some of those are based on the size, scale and world of the film. We traveled to many different places because we wanted to give it a broader canvas," he added.

Tim Burton: My Batman Movies Were Lighthearted

On the set Batman Returns

Tim Burton believes his Batman movies are like a "lighthearted romp" compared to Christopher Nolan's rebooted versions. The Dark Shadows filmmaker was in charge of 1989's Batman and 1992's Batman Returns, which he believes were a lot lighter than Christopher's latest installments of the superhero movie, The Dark Knight and the forthcoming follow up The Dark Knight Rises.

"I always get told that my material is dark, but nowadays my version of Batman looks like a lighthearted romp in comparison to Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight."

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Michelle Pfeiffer Excited About Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

Anne Hathaway and Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman

Michelle Pfeiffer thinks Anne Hathaway will make a fantastic Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises.

Michelle played the role in Batman Returns and is thrilled Anne will tackle the formidable character in the forthcoming Christopher Nolan-directed movie because she can "go to the dark places" needed for the villainess: "I think she's great. I'm actually very much looking forward to seeing her in that role. I'm a big fan of hers and I think she has everything you need for that role. She has the humor, she can go to dark places, she's obviously very talented. I think she's going to be really good."

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Batman pulled over by the police and the story behind it

Posted by Andrey Malskiy Categories: Misc. Tech, Transportation, Videos,

Have you ever thought you'd see a real-life Batman on the other side of the law? Being pulled over by police and questioned? No, this isn’t a scene from the new Batman movie, but rather a reality that played out on the streets of Baltimore.

Lenny B. Robinson, a wealthy philanthropist, dresses as Batman as a part-time gig. According to the report, Robinson visits sick children in the hospital to cheer them up and boost the moral of the parents. He signs autographs and gives out Batman toys to the children. The Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder is only a part of his gig.

Robinson told the Post that he is having a “real” Batmobile built. Watch the video above to see Batman being pulled over by the police.

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Weekend Reading: Jack Kirby, Arnold Drake, James Bond and Star Wars

Ben GrimmLast weekend in January, last weekend before the Super Bowl, which means there’s really nothing on TV this weekend. Fortunately, the internets provide:

Neal Adams is gunning for Marvel on behalf of Jack Kirby.

The Comic Book Insider is the new podcast from comic book writer and former DC Comics editor Brian Augustyn.

James Bond vs. Batman: Now there’s a team-up I’d really like to see. The HMSS blog looks at how both heroes have had to adapt to changing times.

One of my favorite movie blogs, Flick Attack, looks at an old film written by veteran DC writer Arnold Drake (Deadman; The Doom Patrol): The Flesh Eaters.

Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Jack Kirby, Arnold Drake, James Bond and Star Wars
