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Bomberman Live Xbox Live Arcade

Another week with a dual release of Xbox Live Arcade games, and we’ve certainly got at least one solid title here. Bomberman is the classic you know and love, and for 800 Microsoft Points ($10) you get Xbox Live multiplayer support – that right there should be enough to earn your points. And the other Arcade release, Yie Ar Kung-Fu, is probably a game you’ve probably never heard of, but is only $5 and you’ve got Live multiplayer – give the trial a shot before you outright dismiss it.

Gallery: Xbox Live Arcade 7/18: Bomberman Live And Yie Ar Kung-Fu


This post make your head explodeThere were plenty of releases on the Xbox Live Marketplace this week, and thanks to Major Nelson we can now easily compile it all for you en masse. Demos, trailers, Arcade games – you name it, you got it. Apologies if anything was missed, but there was an insane amount of content. Hit up the comments section if you like this story and would like to see a weekly round-up of downloadable content each week. And just as a warning: if lists irritate you, your head will likely explode if you check out the rest of the story after the break.


  • NCAA Football 08
  • Blue Dragon
  • Ace Combat 6 (campaign)
  • Stuntman: Ignition
  • The Bigs
  • Harry Potter OOTP

Click to continue reading E3 2007: This Week’s Xbox Live Marketplace Content Update

Gallery: E3 2007: This Week’s Xbox Live Marketplace Content Update

Bomberman Live Lost World Arena

Next Wednesday, July 18, we’ll be treated to a dual release – Bomberman Live and Yie Ar Kung Fu. Bomberman has been designed specifically for XBLA and features split-screen multiplayer, as well as online multiplayer over Xbox Live and tons of customization for your character. The game will cost 800 Microsoft Points ($10). Yie Ar Kung Fu is a fighting game that appeared on the NES, and is probably a game you’ve never heard of. But that’s why we have trials for all Arcade games, so you can decide if the game is really worth 400 Microsoft Points when they both go live on the Arcade next week.

Check after the break for more screens from both games.

Click to continue reading E3 2007: Next Week’s Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday Sports Two Releases

Gallery: E3 2007: Next Week’s Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday Sports Two Releases

Xbox Live Vision CameraThe free update for Texas Hold ‘em, which rolled out yesterday, included a variety of features – including some really great ones. Bug fixes and updates such as Xbox Live Vision Camera support are the headliners here. And the good part for dedicated fans is that bankrolls won’t be reset with the update.

Poker is the perfect fit for the Vision Camera, and finally we’ll have just that. This’ll likely breathe new life into the game, and luckily it’s the type of game that isn’t just a fad – plenty of people still populate Hold ‘em online as it is. While I wish this had come out sooner (like, not 11 months after it was first released), it’s better late than never, especially when you’re referring to uses for the Vision Camera, which are few and far between.

  • Improved usability such as the addition of Custom Match Lists, which allows gamers to view and select which available Custom Match game they would like to join.
  • Improved rich presence in the game, allowing players to not only see what their friends are up to, but also if they just won that big pot!
  • Improved matchmaking and user results.
  • Scoring and screens are more readable than before.
  • Multi-language support including English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
  • New premium downloadable content allows players to customize the in-game environment, and access new gamerpics and themes.

Gallery: Xbox Live Arcade’s Texas Hold ‘em Gets Updated

Xbox 360 E3 games release 2007

Over on Gamerscore Blog, a list has been posted with all of the games being shown at E3 that will be available this year. Xbox 360 games, Xbox Live Arcade games, Games for Windows-branded titles, and Games for Windows Live-enabled games. It’s a lot to digest, and with big name games like BioShock, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Guitar Hero III, Sonic the Hedgehog (the original, don’t worry), Puzzle Quest, Company of Heroes: Opposing Forces… let’s just say there’s something for nearly everyone.

Click to continue reading E3 2007: All The Stuff You’ll See On Xbox 360 And Games for Windows In 2007

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Gallery: E3 2007: All The Stuff You’ll See On Xbox 360 And Games for Windows In 2007

Sonic the HedgehogAnnounced during Microsoft’s press conference not long ago, Genesis classics Sonic The Hedgehog and Golden Axe are now available for Live Arcade. Sweetening the surprise is the pricing; they’ll only cost you five bucks (400 Microsoft Points) each, exactly three dollars less than their $8 Wii Virtual Console counterparts. Sega’s giving 360 owners a discount.

Also announced via the same Live Arcade footage reel was Marathon: Durandal. Development is being outsourced to Freeverse, a smaller Mac-focused outfit who’ve decided to remove the “2” in the games title. This is no mere re-branding: what was shown reveals a major visual overhaul. All of the games sprites and textures have been re-painted, resulting in a more polished version of what staunch Mac addicts got down on twelve years ago. No price or release details, but it’ll have a good home when it arrives: a Bungie classic reborn should sit well with the audience.

Gallery: E3 2007: Golden Axe, Sonic The Hedgehog On Live, Marathon 2 And More On The Way

E3 Microsoft Bringing It Home

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend E3 this year – instead, I’m on vacation in Cape Cod, using awful hotel Wi-Fi to watch streamed press conferences. Not the most glamorous way to take it all in, but exciting announcements, great games and new details are welcome no matter how you hear about them.

Here’s my personal transcription (in very brief form) of all the announcements and showings, along with some reflection on what Microsoft had to show.

Click to continue reading E3 2007: Microsoft’s Press Conference Recap And Impressions

Gallery: E3 2007: Microsoft’s Press Conference Recap And Impressions

Missile Command new graphics

The classic Missile Command is now available on Xbox Live Arcade. While it isn’t a particularly exciting game by today’s standards, at 400 Microsoft Points ($5) with update graphics and multiplayer over Xbox Live, it’ll be hard to say no for anyone who played it as a kid.

Maybe this week’s theme was to coincide with the Fourth? “Bombs bursting in air,” you’re blowing up missiles in this game… it makes sense. In my head, at least.

Click to continue reading Xbox Live Arcade 7/4: Missile Command

Gallery: Xbox Live Arcade 7/4: Missile Command

Yes, 100 percent less Andy this episode, as he’s in L.A. for a CoD4 event. Instead, Edie and Hawkes cover the week’s gaming news and go off on wild tangents. On the plus side, this episode may be Andy-free, but it has 100 percent MORE of Hawkes’ cat.

Topics discussed:

- The unusually large amount of games released this week, including The Darkness and The Bigs.

- Toys ‘R Us is holding a 3-for-2 sale on Nintendo DS games until this Saturday. U Bai Now!

- Microsoft sues Immersion back. If you can’t take it, don’t deal it!

- New York Times reporter plays Manhunt 2 and deems it less violent than R-rated horror movies. Hypocracy much?

- The new Hitman movie trailer… and yes, we blew it. It’s Agent 47. Stoopid internets.

- Square Enix says on one hand that it’s not releasing any games for PS3 until April 2008 at the very earliest. Then it says, baby, I’m sorry. The PS3 really is the only console it could ever love. Why does watching these two feel like family-night at Ike and Tina Turner’s place.

- A group of psychologists want to label video games as an addictive substance. Someone’s been sucking on the lead popsicles again….

- Larry Flint had hoped to fire the entire staff of Tips and Tricks magazine while they were all at E3. Too bad he fired the freelancers a week early and they told the staff. Don’t you hate when being a nice guy blows a really great evil plan? And isn’t it ironic that the guy who built his empire on other people s*cking c*ocks turns out to the the biggest c*cks*ucker of them all?

- Shadowrun for Vista has been cracked to run on XP. And there was much rejoicing. (yaaay!)

- Lyndon LaRouch, notorious conspiracy theorist and gay hater, and his merry band of crazy geezers are ticked because the final report on the Virginia Tech massacre doesn’t mention video games—despite the fact there’s been no evidence the shooter ever played games. LaRouch figures it’s… wait for it… A CONSPIRACY!!
Ed. Note: Edie apologizes to for mistaking LaRouche as a guy who was notorious for anti-gay legislation. Actually, he is the freak who tried to get anti-gay legislation passed by California voters back in the 1980s that would have quarentined gays to prevent AIDS. I knew he smelled crazy…

- The 100th episode of Red vs. Blue! Gratz, guys!

Off-topic hits include Paris Hilton, porn (again), the iPhone, how to properly prepare for a night of binge drinking, Andy’s impending move, and… did we mention Hawkes’ cat?

If you want to hear it? Go get subscibe on iTunes already… ya slacker.

Gallery: GamerAndy Live! Episode 84: 100 Percent Less Andy


The European board game you’ve probably never heard of has made its way to the Xbox Live Arcade. For 800 Microsoft Points ($10) you can download the virtual version of the strategic board game. Catan was very well received (especially by those GamerAndy folks), so hopefully Carcassonne catches on as well and we’ll see more board games in the future.

Click to continue reading Xbox Live Arcade 6/27: Carcassonne

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Gallery: Xbox Live Arcade 6/27: Carcassonne
