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Friday August 12, 2005 1:32 pm

Japanese Prototype Automatic Door Takes Complicated Leap Forward

Posted by Alex Grahmann Categories: Misc. Tech

Japanese Sliding DoorA new design for automated doors revealed on Japanese websites this week show a complicated system of sliding strips that open just far enough for the individual person passing through the door.  Using visual sensors on the ends of each of the panels, the mechanism slides the door open and closed around the shape of whatever needs to enter or exit.  Reportedly better for keeping out environmental hazards such as weather, dust, and pollen, and keeping in things such as air-conditioning, the demonstration video proves only that it’s capable of letting in people carrying fun punching bags and keeping out Japanese men.  For anyone who’s ever hurt themselves by walking straight into a malfunctioning door at a grocery store or mall, this new design offers about 60 times the reasons to be a little more careful.

Watch the Video (.ram) | Japanese Demonstration
Read More | We-Make-Money-Not-Art

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