On Gear Live: Samsung S95C: The OLED TV You Can’t Afford (to Ignore!)

SMK TV Remote

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  • This looks like something that could be made by a engineering student in colleage.
    It has a raw feel to it in its pictures on fareastgizmos

    posted by: DOOOMKULTUS · 6/6/08

  • Wow, this is really unique and innovative—no batteries!  I do not think by any means it will replace todays remotes anytime soon, but it is cool that they are thinking of green alternatives.  Obviously it will not have as many features as most peoples remotes these days.

    posted by: BuckeyeFanatic25 · 6/6/08

  • when i first seen this picture, I thought it was some kind of an alarm.

    posted by: littlebull · 6/6/08

  • So this works similar to the flashlights that you shake to create energy. Power is stored in a capacitor. First time I’ve seen it used in anything other than the flashlights.
    At first I thought it was going to be like ’ Okay you couch potatoes,  Shake it up and down to charge it, then swing it either clockwise or counter clockwise to change the channel.” ‘Volume? same instructions except press the button too”
    Guess it would have been called the ‘Fit Remote’ then.

    posted by: Ibdabloke · 6/6/08

  • as buckeye said it may not catch on to the mass public any time soon but its definitley something i would get =D
    seems to be power efficient too!

    posted by: sharkhead7854 · 6/6/08

  • That is very nice. I love a good green remote…especially one in the shape of a gun, must be a guy thing.

    posted by: artwdog · 6/6/08

  • Haha, that would make a super neat remote, have they said anything about what the progress is like, when it will be released or what the price is? Or is it too early to tell right now? 😉

    posted by: jess1ca · 6/6/08

  • I like the simplicity of this remote!  It supports the three main things that you can do with the remote control:  power, volume, and channels.  While I think that it’s great that it saves energy I don’t think it will really be a great remote control for many people.  These days people expect to control a lot of other settings too on their TV, such as having a “last viewed channel” button or numbers to switch to a certain channel without having to scroll through all of them.

    posted by: SG · 6/6/08

  • I like the concept of energy that they implemented. But the remote it self looks very simple, it will took a while to go for a specific channel.

    Nothing beats universal remote controllers, specially “TVBgone”

    Google TVBGone and enjoy it 😉

    posted by: Elagizy · 6/7/08

  • lol. So when I try to change the channel, I’ll be “shooting” at the TV. I would own that.

    posted by: Shady Freak · 6/8/08
