On Gear Live: Samsung S95C: The OLED TV You Can’t Afford (to Ignore!)

HP TouchSmart PC + accessories - HP TouchSmart PC



  • It almost puts me in mind of the Dragon except that this isnt a laptop. I think this would be a really cool computer with the touchscreen and wireless keyboard and mouse. To bad hp wont be giving any of these away as I would join the contest is they would. I like the monitor to, wish I could have one of these.

    posted by: littlebull · 6/24/08

  • I really like this setup!  It doesn’t take up much space and it doesn’t use much wires either.  I think it’s also portable because it can be carried and easily set up anywhere around the house.  This is the best touchscreen PC I’ve ever seen, infact HP’s touchscreens are the only one I’ve seen and they’re great.  HP is an expert with touch screen technology.

    posted by: SG · 6/24/08

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