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Windows 7 app wheel - Windows 7 Screenshots

Windows 7 app wheel

Not sure what else to refer to this as, but it seems to be ‘s answer to Quicksilver.

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GearLiveDotcom’s Zune Card Windows 7 media player



  • So this should be the wheel? not sure if you can work with that.

    posted by: Victor Gutierrez · 5/31/08

  • I agree with Victor!  The more programs you have the more icons you will have to scroll through on the wheel.  This will make it hard to locate the programs that you want to launch!

    posted by: SG · 5/31/08

  • they will probably make it so the wheel is editable so you can add and remove apps from it

    posted by: mental tiger · 5/31/08

  • This wheel will certainly make starting applications alot easier, in my opinion.

    posted by: BoogerJay · 6/1/08

  • it looks cool a lot easier

    posted by: acid2k1 · 6/1/08

  • I heard a lot about fake windows 7 pictures, so confused.

    posted by: Shailendra Doke · 6/3/08

  • I think it will be easier to navigate between programs and like mental tiger said they will probably make it so that it will be editable and you can choose which programs you want on their.

    posted by: littlebull · 6/3/08

  • Looks pretty real to me. Bottom kinda fake.

    posted by: Crater · 6/3/08

  • Looks nice but can be clumsy when there’s lot of programs installed.I think, additional icons can be removed right ?

    posted by: sushrukh · 6/3/08

  • Yes!  Looks like there is going to be even more Tablet PC interactions with Windows 7!  I was hoping that Vista was going to be more “Tablet friendly” and while it is certainly better than XP, it has several areas in which it can improve

    posted by: BuckeyeFanatic25 · 6/4/08

  • Heh, I’ve not even made the move to Vista. Looks pretty, I guess it could be useful. So is Vista to XP as
    Millennium was to 95? Bill seems to get my money anyway, just every other OS or so.

    posted by: Ibdabloke · 6/5/08

  • The wheel looks pretty cool, but I’d have to agree if you have a lot of programs it could get too crowded and make it harder to find the program you want than easier.

    posted by: SmileyXX · 6/11/08

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