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ProFlowers $70 coupon code giveaway
Posted: 02 February 2009 01:43 PM     [ Ignore ]  
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We are giving away five ProFlowers gift certificates, each worth $70, in our latest contest. Use this thread for your contest entries. All you need to do it let us know your best, or worst, Valentine’s Day memory. See our contest announcement for all the rules!


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Posted: 02 February 2009 02:04 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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My best was definitely last year. Finally had some time off around V-day, so I went all out. Made some pineapple chicken and lobster, set up a room with the whole table/candle/music thing, and had a great dinner with the girlfriend.

Of course, I made a huge mess in our kitchen cooking everything so my roommate at the time got pretty upset when I didn’t clean off the stove right away…

Posted: 02 February 2009 02:11 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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Brendon Lindsey - 02 February 2009 06:04 PM

My best was definitely last year. Finally had some time off around V-day, so I went all out. Made some pineapple chicken and lobster, set up a room with the whole table/candle/music thing, and had a great dinner with the girlfriend.

Of course, I made a huge mess in our kitchen cooking everything so my roommate at the time got pretty upset when I didn’t clean off the stove right away…

Are you still with this woman? Would she be the one receiving the flowers? 😉


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Posted: 02 February 2009 02:18 PM   [ # 3 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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My worst was a blind date that a friend set me up on.  It was horrible; well not to start with.  He came to door with a big bouqet of flowers.  We then spent the day at Magic Mountian where we quickly ran out of things to talk about and I learned he was a major wimp when it came to rides (really?  then why did you bring me here?)

Afterward, we stopped at a classy resteraunt for dinner.  I took my napkin and layed it across my lap…he took his napkin and layed it across the table.  It was torture sitting across from him trying to come up with conversation as he ate with his mouth open.  I have to figure that by this point he was trying to just be over the top horrible (I think we both knew it was not going past the first date); then at the end of the meal he put his face on the table (okay it was on the napkin he layed out earlier) and moved his head across to wipe his mouth.  NO HANDS!!!

At least he didn’t make me pay…

Posted: 02 February 2009 02:21 PM   [ # 4 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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mynenni - 02 February 2009 06:18 PM

then at the end of the meal he put his face on the table (okay it was on the napkin he layed out earlier) and moved his head across to wipe his mouth.  NO HANDS!!!

Are you serious?! 😛


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Posted: 02 February 2009 02:45 PM   [ # 5 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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Best memory of Valentine’s Day is actually as a child when I conspired with siblings to get our grandmother a bouquet of 24 orange (her favorite color) roses and a card. She had been divorced since before I was born and I still remember her bursting into tears and giving us hugs for what seemed like hours.


Posted: 02 February 2009 02:50 PM   [ # 6 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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Unfortunatly, I am totally serious.  I think I had to pick my jaw up off the floor.  I was looking around trying to melt into the floor at that point.

Andru Edwards - 02 February 2009 06:21 PM
mynenni - 02 February 2009 06:18 PM

then at the end of the meal he put his face on the table (okay it was on the napkin he layed out earlier) and moved his head across to wipe his mouth.  NO HANDS!!!

Are you serious?! 😛

Posted: 02 February 2009 08:55 PM   [ # 7 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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So last year on valentines day I took my girlfriend out to a a very nice, expensive restaurant in downtown D.C. Dinner was delicious (as it should have been considering the cost). Anyway so the waitress brings me the check and I hand her my check card. She comes back later and tells me that my card was declined! I didn’t have enough money on my check card. Luckily my girlfriend had her card with her otherwise I don’t know what would have happened… Regardless it turned out to be a great valentines day.

Posted: 02 February 2009 08:59 PM   [ # 8 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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My best memory is last year’s Valentine’s Day. My husband took me to a great restaurant and I totally blew my diet eating steak and mashed potatoes. It was the first time I’d ever had Creme Brulee, too. While we were eating, he surprised me with a tennis bracelet that I’d wanted forever.  It was a far cry from his usual Applebee’s dinner and a box of Stover chocolates.

Posted: 02 February 2009 09:33 PM   [ # 9 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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The best when my husband got out of the military, he was injured but he was alive and home.

Posted: 02 February 2009 09:36 PM   [ # 10 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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My best valentines day memory was back when I was in college. me and some friends (male and female singles) dressed in black and fake-kidnapped some of our other friends to all go out to a group valentines dinner. In retrospect, we could hhave probably gotten into a lot of troule for abducting people into the back of a van in the middle of the street, but a good time was had by all.

Posted: 02 February 2009 09:37 PM   [ # 11 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 11 ]  
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Sorry I don’t have a funny story.  My mom died the day after Valentine’s Day, and that was definitely my worst.

Next time, I promise I’ll tell a funny story.  Really.  I promise.

Posted: 03 February 2009 12:45 AM   [ # 12 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 12 ]  
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That’s easy. My WORST V-Day ever was 2005. I was seeing my then gf for 7 months before I was “voluntold” to deploy. We had our our wonderful pre-deployment romp and had our sad goodbyes at the airport. She promised to write everyday and send me a bunch of care packages. She held true to her word for about a month. Then the mail starting getting sparse and the care packages were few and far in between. Well, Valentine’s Day was coming up and I thought it might be a good idea to send her flowers to let her know that I still cared about her but I couldn’t be there to celebrate our first V-day together.  I also sent a mutual friend of ours money so that she can take her out to dinner for a girls night out on V-Day. Well, V-day came and went and I didn’t hear back from my girlfriend. I asked our mutual friend what was going on and all I got was a cryptic, “You need to talk to her” response. So the next time I talked to my gf I asked her what was going on and she said that she felt that we needed some time apart (I thought “Hmmm, so being half way across the world isn’t considered time apart?”).  Then I received a Dear John letter a couple days later! I was devastated and pissed at the same time. I just wish I knew she was going to dump me BEFORE I spent the 60 bucks on the dozen long stem red roses with the optional vase.

I found out after I got back from my deployment that she was spending a lot of time with one of her male “friends” while I was deployed. I also saw a photo of the flowers I sent her and they looked very nice (for some reason I was still bitter when I saw the photo).

Posted: 03 February 2009 11:49 AM   [ # 13 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 13 ]  
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I’m not sure I really have a best or worst memory, but I will tell you my Valentine’s experiences so far, and hopefully to come…

2/14/2001 - I spent an ungodly amount of money on flowers, chocolate and a stuffed animal for my (now ex) girlfriend, and she loved it. I know, stereotypical. The thing is, I did this because I felt like I was obligated to give something. I didn’t really love her. Since I broke up with her, I haven’t had anyone in my life that I’ve really loved, that is until now.

I met someone almost two months ago and we really seem to have hit it off. If there is a such thing as true love, I think this is it. I find myself thinking about her when I’m not thinking about anything else. She’s constantly in my thoughts and I can’t get her out of my mind. Just two problems. First, she lives about 7 hours from me and second, I’m just now working again and my job doesn’t pay a lot of money. Flowers aren’t looking good as a Valentine’s gesture, but I desperately want to give some. Can ya help?

Twittered @ http://twitter.com/blakebritton/statuses/1173579010

Posted: 03 February 2009 02:32 PM   [ # 14 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 14 ]  
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My best & semi-worst are all one in the same. I had been dating my girlfriend for almost one year at the time so I decided to make it really special. I took her to the nicest restaurant in town which happens to have a world-renown chef. Needless to say the dinner with wine and desert was well over $250. I also need to remark that I’m not really in the position to be spending $250 on a meal. It hurt the pocket book, but it was also one of the best because I’ve now been dating my girlfriend for almost 5 years. She doesn’t expect a fancy meal like that every year, but it’s definitely hard to live up to those expectations that I set for myself.

Posted: 03 February 2009 05:02 PM   [ # 15 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 15 ]  
Might As Well Be A Mod
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My one and only valentine memory was getting to school in grade 12 and finding a really awesome gift in my locker. In my locker was a car model of my dream car (Audi R8) with a customized license plate to match my current license plate. It identical to my license including the plate # and the province and design. It was also an inside joke that the one we saw in the parking lot two months back was mine. It was really cool to see. Not only that but there was a note for me to go to the library and look on page 82 of the book of the last movie we saw. Which was actually Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix. Inside this book was a note saying this entitles me to receive a package being held at the office. I go to the office and get this package. Inside was a bunch of hockey cards each with a letter written on it. All of these cards were of my favourite team the Calgary Flames of course. There was a hint written on the inside of the package that said to spell out a date. So after hours of figuring this out it spelt out Tuesday March 6th 8:00pm. After seeing the date i realized it was the date of a hockey game for the Calgary Flames. I then got a text saying to go back to my locker. And sitting in my locker were two tickets to the game on that date at that time. Best gift ever!

Posted: 03 February 2009 11:08 PM   [ # 16 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 16 ]  
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My best Valentines Days was last year. I was given clues about my gift for weeks (He can’t really keep secrets). My favorite band is Led Zeppelin, so he got me tickets to the Paramount to watch a Led Zeppelin tribute band. The show was really great and probably the closet thing I will get to seeing them live. :(

Posted: 04 February 2009 03:22 AM   [ # 17 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 17 ]  
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I seem to be particularly cursed when it comes to V-day… most of them have been pretty bad romance-wise, and yet it’s my favorite holiday. After one year when my boyfriend cheated on me just before the Big Day, I decided to own the holiday in my own special way… each year after that, I dressed up as cupid. 😊 I wore boxers and red tights and glittery red heart headbands and went around tossing heart confetti at people.

I remember waiting at the top of the stairs in college to drop a shower of red confetti on a friend. Those little red hearts never go away, no matter how many times you vaccuum, I swear! I think some of it is still on my rug, three moves later!

I’m single again this year, but it could just be my best one yet because I’ll be spending it with my awesome daughter… and maybe she’ll be cupid with me. 😊

Posted: 04 February 2009 04:38 AM   [ # 18 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 18 ]  
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My best memory of Valentines day was getting my first card from someone I really liked…it had those candy hearts in it..

Posted: 04 February 2009 03:12 PM   [ # 19 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 19 ]  
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The Best Valentine’s Day was 5 years ago….when my husband proposed to me.  For 5 days before Valentine’s day, he sent me 24 Roses to my work (ironically from ProFlowers!), and wrote a poem with each delivery.  Each poem was connected to the poem on the previous day.  On the 5th day (Valentine’s Day), he arranged a big dinner with my friends and family at the Ritz Carleton hotel.  Surprisingly for me, everyone was late…and didn’t show up.  I was furious!  He told me that for Valentine’s day, he had gotten us a room at the hotel, so we’d be able to enjoy the evening, and not worry about driving home.  I seriously had NO idea he was about to propose…. as I thought this was all a very beautiful gesture for Valentine’s Day.  I got to the room - and there were roses everywhere…. and that’s when he told me that we would be dining alone that night.  After a very romantic dinner for 2 in our suite, he pulled out the 5th poem…. and at the end of the poem…he got down on his knees and proposed.  I couldn’t believe it.  I don’t think I answered him for what seemed like hours…as I was trying to catch my breath…..and I finally said yes.  We are celebrating our 5th engagement anniversary this year on Valentine’s day…and I can’t wait to make it a special day for him!

Posted: 04 February 2009 04:59 PM   [ # 20 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 20 ]  
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Best v-day ever…

All she wanted was to go see the UW vs WSU basketball game on Feb 14th.  I picked her up from work, went to a bar to meet up with some friends for drinks and shots.  Then she snuck in 6 airplane bottles of booze… and we drank at the game.  I don’t even remember who won, but we had a hell of a time!

Posted: 04 February 2009 05:01 PM   [ # 21 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 21 ]  
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twittered: http://twitter.com/adamb0mb/status/1177917301

Posted: 06 February 2009 12:38 PM   [ # 22 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 22 ]  
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My worst Valentine’s day was probably when I was in fourth grade. I was sick for about a week before Valentine’s day but was starting to feel better. I begged my mom to go to school so that I could go to the Valentine Party we were having in class. I was fine until the party started. Then all of my sickness came back. I had to run from class to bathroom so I could hurl, and then promptly was picked up so I could go home and be sick for another week. Lamest Valentine ever.

Posted: 06 February 2009 01:31 PM   [ # 23 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 23 ]  
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My best Valentine memory that I can think of (memory not so good, so I have to stick with recent memory) is last year where I was able to convince my wife that this is a Halmark holiday. I was allowed to get her nothing.  We just went out to a nice dinner and I got her some flowers the week after (when they cost 1/2 as much), which we often do anyway. Good year.

Posted: 06 February 2009 08:11 PM   [ # 24 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 24 ]  
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My best valentines memory is when me and hubby first out of town adventure when we were dating.  He took me to St, AUgustine FL andit was great.  We stayed at this great B&B, toured the Fort, ate at some great restaurants.  THis lasted for 2 days and then on the third it started raining and didn’t stop for another 2 days.  A huge storm came and we were trapped in the B&B, the power went out and we couldn’t leave.  Of course that was bad but in many ways it was very very good.

Posted: 07 February 2009 08:21 AM   [ # 25 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 25 ]  
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My best Valentine’s Day was when my friends, Elizabeth and Emily, went out of their way to make me the cutest cards ever. They meant a lot to me. :lol:

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