Posted: 06 June 2006 08:06 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Hi...I'm New...
Total Posts:  13
Joined  2005-12-09

I have never been a metal fan but today in honor of 666 my local alternative rock station was playing some metal. I heard Metallica’s Wherever I Roam? Whatever Road? Okay I am not sure the title of the song (sorry you Metallica fans) but I really liked it. Metallica kicks ass. So what album should I start with?

Posted: 12 June 2006 09:16 PM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  22
Joined  2006-05-27

every blooming radio station in this country was playing metal on the 6th for some odd reason..I was totally oblivious to the reason for it )
