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Unboxing Live 090: Nike+ FuelBand

We open up the Nike+ FuelBand in this episode. The Nike+ FuelBand actually displays how well you are doing throughout the day as it pertains to your fitness and activity level, syncing to your iPhone over Bluetooth not only on your phone or other Bluetooth device, but also on the band itself. It does this using its 20 LED color dot-matrix display that shows how much Nike Fuel you've earned during the day, and another 100 white LEDs to give you information in calories burned, time of day, and pedometer info. The device costs $149, and the Nike+ FuelBand is available on Amazon.

Big thank you to GoToMeeting and JackThreads for sponsoring the show - be sure to check them out! GoToMeeting with HDFaces provides rich, super-simple collaborative virtual meetings. As for JackThreads, we've got exclusive invite codes that give you $5 to use towards anything you'd like on the site.

