This Week on DVD and Blu-ray: October 26, 2010
Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: 20th Century Fox, New Line, Sony, Universal, Action, Adaptation, Classics, Documentary, Drama, Family, Foreign, Foreign Language, Horror, Musicals, Romance, Science Fiction, Sequels, Comedy, Home Entertainment, Lists, New Releases,
Here are some of the DVD and Blu-ray options available this week:
- Alien (Anthology): Blu-ray
- Back to the Future (25th Anniversary Trilogy): DVD, Blu-ray
- Elf (Ultimate Collector's Edition): DVD, Blu-ray
- The Girl Who Played with Fire: DVD, Blu-ray
- Lake Placid 3: DVD
- Paths of Glory: DVD, Blu-ray
- Santa Claus: The Movie: DVD, Blu-ray
- Sex and the City 2: DVD, Blu-ray
- South of the Border: DVD, Blu-ray
- Who is Harry Nilsson (And Why is Everybody Talkin' About Him)?: DVD
- Winter's Bone: DVD, Blu-ray
Make sure to also check out the TV-on-DVD options for this week.
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This Week on HD DVD and Blu-ray: October 23, 2007
Posted by Johnny Mercedes Categories: 20th Century Fox, MGM, Lionsgate, Sony, Universal, Warner Bros, Action, Adaptation, Adventure, Animation, Classics, Documentary, Drama, Family, Horror, Independent, Music, Mystery, Romance, Satire, Science Fiction, Sequels, Comedy, Thrillers, Distribution, Home Entertainment, Lists, New Releases,
Whether you’ve made the choice and actually picked a side in this format war, one thing can be agreed upon by all sides—this is a good week for high-definition.
It so happens that Warner Home Entertainment has yet to pick a side in this battle of video/audio quality—a decision that, when the time comes, could end the war for good. For now, however, they are throwing down some pretty good releases to please everyone, and this week is no exception.
The late Stanley Kubrick, idiosyncratic director of some of America’s most cherished cinema, is honored this week with the release of a few classics in dual format—finally, we can all see Jack Torrance’s nose hairs as he axes the hotel door and screams his classic “Here’s Johnny!” After all, Halloween is quick approaching, and a high-def copy of The Shining might make the perfect late-night creepfest. And if horror is your bag, both formats have some decent titles this week. Check the full list after the jump.
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