Kate Winslet to Receive Hollywood Walk of Fame Star

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Awards, Celeb News,
Kate Winslet is to be honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
The 38-year-old actress will be the 2,520th star to receive an honor, and the unveiling is set to take place early next week with Titanic director James Cameron and Kate's co-star in the film Kathy Bates presenting her with the accolade outside of the W Hollywood Hotel on Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, on Monday, according to Hollywood.com.
"We are so happy that Kate Winslet will be here on our famous Boulevard of dreams receiving her well-deserved star. We've seen Kate shine in her roles and fans around the world have been anxiously waiting for this special day to come," producer of the Walk of Fame ceremonies, Ana Martinez, said of the new addition.
Other actresses who have been added to the star-studded pavement recently include Non Stop star Julianne Moore and Glee's Jane Lynch.
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Celine Dion, Kate Winslet Not Fans of “My Heart Will Go On”

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Drama, Period, Romance, Celebrity Gossip,
Celine Dion doesn't want "My Heart Will Go On" played at her funeral.
While the 45-year-old songstress is grateful for the success of her hit ballad - which was featured on the soundtrack to 1997 movie Titanic - she is wary of the career-defining song following her into the afterlife: "I'm going to die with this song. It's a good problem to have, when you're part of a classic and you know that you're going to die with it. [But] when I die, though, please don't play the song."
"My Heart Will Go On" has become one of the best-selling singles of all time, with 15 million record sales worldwide, and even earned Celine an Oscar, but the French-Canadian star said she was initially reluctant to record the signature track. "I didn't want to sing 'My Heart Will Go On' ... thank God they didn't listen to me! I didn't really like the song at first. I wasn't sure. I did another song for a movie before and it was very successful and I thought we were pushing our luck. And [my husband and manager] said, 'Let's just do a demo, let's give it a try and we'll see after.' The demo is actually the real recording, I never sang the song again ... Well, except three million times after that live," she explained.
Click to continue reading Celine Dion, Kate Winslet Not Fans of “My Heart Will Go On”
Quote of the Day: Kate Winslet on Leonardo DiCaprio

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: 20th Century Fox, Classics, Drama, Period, Romance, Celeb News,
"We do look very different…He's fatter now – I'm thinner. It's true, though!"
- Titanic actress Kate Winslet reflects upon how much she and her co-star Leonardo DiCaprio have changed since the film first came out in 1997.
(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)
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Katy Perry’s Smelly Film Crew

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Biopics, Drama, Music, Romance, Celeb News, Filmmaking,
Katy Perry has a smelly film crew following her around shooting her latest movie. The 27-year-old beauty is currently being filmed by an English production team for her part-biopic, part-concert movie - which will be released later this summer - but she doesn't understand why they don't wash their hair on a regular basis, but she believes it is down to their nationality.
"I've got friends who are English who are filming me for my movie. Anytime I go out wearing a sweater that looks any type of grandma-ish they steal it from me. There's one whose name is Ed. He's real skinny, he showers every day but washes his hair about every three weeks. That's what the English boys do, all those hip English boys they just don't wash their hair because they think they won't get that cool look. But I love the people of England, they're so lovely and courteous. The real people of England care, they mean well. Maybe they talk crap behind your back, but they're so sweet to your face."
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Kate Winslet: ‘Male Role Would Be Ultimate Challenge’

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Awards, Casting, Celeb News,
Kate Winslet wants to play a man. The 36-year-old actress - who earlier this week won a Golden Globe for her performance in TV mini-series Mildred Pierce - is keen to take on a part of someone as the opposite gender, previously done by stars including Cate Blanchett and Glenn Close, because she believes it would be the "ultimate challenge."
"I would like to one day play a man. That is something that I do know. I don't know what kind of a man, I don't know whether it will ever happen, but I do know I would be really interested because I think that would probably be the ultimate challenge."
Kate has previously claimed she would love to take on the part of the late Dame Elizabeth Taylor - a role both Angelina Jolie and Lindsey Lohan have coveted - and admits the possibility is a massive undertaking: "It's a massive undertaking for anybody who should be fortunate enough to get that part."
VIDEO: Watch the Trailer for Roman Polanski’s New Film

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Sony, Adaptation, Drama, Comedy, Trailers, Upcoming Releases,
Talk about tension! Jodie Foster, John C. Reilly, Kate Winslet, and Christoph Waltz humorously come together to bring the play The God of Carnage from the stage to the big screen in Roman Polanski's adaptation, Carnage.
The film is due in theaters December 16.
Read More | Perez Hilton
ABC Viewers Rate the Greatest Films

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, Disney, Lucasfilm Ltd., MGM, Paramount, Touchstone, Warner Bros, Action, Adaptation, Adventure, Animation, Classics, Drama, Horror, Musicals, Noir, Period, Political, Romance, Comedy, Thrillers, Lists,
Which movie character was the greatest in cinema? Which kiss continues to sizzle on screen, even 70 years later? ABC and People gave film buffs the opportunity to choose their favorites in 15 different categories, and some of the answers may surprise you. Did your favorite film make the Best in Film list?
More than 500,000 votes were tallied to determine the best comedy film, most romantic couple and many other categories. Keep reading to see the full results, and find out which epic film made the list three times!
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The 2010 Academy Awards: Live Commentary

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Awards,

When you throw in an extra host, add five more Best Picture nominees, take away the Best Song performances and nominate two formerly married directors—what do you get? A night that will surely be talked about.
Although many believe the 82nd Annual Academy Awards will end with very few surprises, the possibility of an upset is still too great to ignore. Will the box office champ (Avatar) win Best Film as well? Or will The Hurt Locker - or even Inglourious Basterds - take the prize? Is Jeff Bridges a shoo-in for Best Actor…or could BAFTA winner Colin Firth sneak past him? Will Sandra Bullock have to deliver another acceptance speech, or will Meryl Streep take home her first Oscar since 1983?
To find out if the ceremony ends in a world of Hurt or Up in the Air, stay tuned here for the live results!
Click to continue reading The 2010 Academy Awards: Live Commentary
Read More | Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Casting Corner: Marion Cotillard, Tim Robbins and More

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Universal, Drama, Thrillers, Casting, Celeb News, Upcoming Releases,

Here’s a quick look at some of the casting announcements made recently:
Marion Cotillard: The Nine beauty and fellow Academy Award winner Kate Winslet are in discussions for Contagion, a project from Steven Soderbergh. The film, already featuring Soderbergh fave Matt Damon and Jude Law, will have multiple storylines centered around the threat of a deadly disease. Shooting should begin sometime this year.
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Kate Winslet Comes Out of Hiding

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Casting, Celeb News, Celebrity Gossip,
Kate Winslet - who picked up an Academy Award and two Golden Globes in 2009 - decided to take some time out so people wouldn’t get tired of her.
“I was in hiding a little bit, just doing family stuff and very little work,” she admitted to the Daily Mail. “To be honest, I felt so overexposed this time last year with the Golden Globes and the Oscar. It was fantastic and everything, but I was sick of me, let alone what other people must have felt.”
However, Kate is ready to get back to work is currently making her presentation rounds during the current awards season. She is also shooting an HBO mini-series based on the James M. Cain novel Mildred Pierce.
“We’re doing it from the book, not the film version with Joan Crawford,” Winslet revealed. “It’s such a deliciously meaty role and we cover a lot of ground, with Mildred raising her two girls during the Depression era. She runs her own business and, of course, there are men. And because it’s a mini-series for HBO we can really explore the characters and go into the kind of things you could only hint at when the film was made in 1945.”
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